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  • Chests

    I've been playing for at least a week now. Most dungoens I can visit are fairly well trafficed. Well actually the starter dungoes have more players than monsters. About 90% of the chests I find are locked, trapped and empty.
    I've always assumed that the chests had been looted by someone before me.

    Today, right after a server crash I suicide ran to the Mosscap meet locked chest. It was empty. (Then I died in one round to 0xp monsters but thats a different thread.)

    So what's the deal? Are chests supposed to be empty? Empty when the severs been up all day? Empty on server load? I don't understand.

  • #2
    Some chest are indeed always empty (the one in the second room of the Spittlefist Caves comes to mind), I have no idea if this is intentionnal design or if it's something to fix. If that's the case, making a list of ever-empty chests might be helpful.
    Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
    Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
    "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


    • #3
      It might be because the server is still a Beta and they haven't gotten down to getting the chests, or it might be intentional as a trap. *Shrug.*

