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Level Cap -redux-

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  • Level Cap -redux-

    Just read through the last thread that got posted about this, and noticed that not only was it a total mess, but that it failed to clearly answer the original OP.

    So I'll ask again; what is the highest level that can possibly obtained on Sundren? Is it possible to reach level 30?
    Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink

  • #2
    From what I have heard. Yes! But at level 20 you must gain XP from DMs to level to 30.
    -Galidran Myrkara - Theme: Progenies of the Great Apocalypse - Dimmu Borgir
    -Zeherna "Zera" Zahiir
    -Garidas Wulfden Telien
    -Galiana Eld'zan
    -Grey'den Stormhammer


    • #3
      Yes its possible to reach lvl 30, but you will only get xp after lvl 20 from DM driven quests, rp, etc

      There is an xp limiter in place to discourage grinding, so its possible to be capped before lvl 20 if you do grind and grind and grind and grind... ingame and right click on your char, choose 'Sundren', then choose 'Show Info'.. it will tell you your cap.
      "Im a hero hunter, I hunt heroes... I havn't found any yet"


      • #4
        Thanks for replying. And doing for so impartially.
        Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink


        • #5
          Realistically, getting to lvl 10 is not a problem. From 10 on up, it takes a combination of RP xp and monster xp. Its slow going to balance things out.

          I personally (With the except of DM characters) would find it annoying to log on after a few days and see four or five new level 15 characters running around that I know nothing about merely because they were able to just kill monsters constantly and avoid RP.

          Thats just my two cents.


          • #6
            Heh, i doubt anyone would be getting to 30 anytime soon (Or most likely never.) Thats like... a VERY powerful level.


            • #7
              Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
              Heh, i doubt anyone would be getting to 30 anytime soon (Or most likely never.) Thats like... a VERY powerful level.
              30 being the most powerful level possible, I'd have to agree with you.
              Sammael Redstone - Country-raised sorceror, knows his drink

