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level cap?

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  • level cap?


    Trying to conceptualize a character I plan on starting soon, and would like to know if Sundren incorporates a level cap. Couldn't find anything in the FAQs, so I'm asking here. Do we get all the way to 30, or is it capped at 20? Thanks!
    Trinthalas Faelduil - Cleric of Corellon Larethian

  • #2
    Upto 20.. then xp at DM's discretion ... as far as I know.

    Also your char will be capped at lvl 8 for a time and then increase later... Dont know how the stages work though.
    "We are what we think.
    All that we are arises with our thoughts.
    With our thoughts, we make our world"


    • #3
      There's an automated cap that keeps raising from level 8 to level 20 as your character gathers Play Time. But don't worry, it really shouldn't get in your way unless all you do is grind all day; Roger is level 5 with a cap of 14 at the moment. XD
      Drado Nackle, gnome scholar of the Weave
      Roger Datson, swashbuckler and booty-seeker
      "Mercy? You wanted mercy?! I'M CHAOTIC NEUTRAL!!!"


      • #4
        thanks for the responses, much appreciated
        Trinthalas Faelduil - Cleric of Corellon Larethian


        • #5
          Originally posted by neosonic66

          Trying to conceptualize a character I plan on starting soon, and would like to know if Sundren incorporates a level cap. Couldn't find anything in the FAQs, so I'm asking here. Do we get all the way to 30, or is it capped at 20? Thanks!

          I fear that players that worry about things like a level 20 or 30! level cap are very likely to be horrid power gamers that think NWN2 PWs are just cheaper versions of WoW or even Diablo.

          I sware over half the people, I've run into don't even RP at all. You know the ones. They run every where with there weapons out, even in towns. Outdoors run from spawn to spawn completely ignoring other players.....

          Maybe should of told him that the level cap is level 8. Becaues well it is sort of. To discourage these power players that think in terms of level "20 builds".

          Sorry for the Rant but the players as described above really ruine it for me when they are around. A character should be played as a person the sum of there experiences. Not some planned out Min/Max calculations!


          • #6
            Dont worry, anyone who asks that question isn't getting to lvl 20 anytime soon.

            Besides, once someone who is intent on trying to get to "that" level will soon figure out the best rewards aren't numbers...if they can't hack it here we're better off.

            "HAIL! I'm looking for better weapons!" - some guy in armor

            "oh? what do you need better weapons for?"

            "Because this one doesn't kill gnolls fast enough." - same guy in armor

            *looks at the sword then looks at the guy in armor*
            "ever figger that the weapon needs a better wielder?"

            "uh..." - same guy in armor running away
            Father Perry - "...great, not only do rats carry disease but apparently they explode into a fiery ball of flame.?"

            "may your experience here be legendary." - Ipsissimus


            • #7
              I would like to discourage anyone from pointing the 'lol powergamer' finger, especially in regards to a perfectly reasonable question regarding server policy.
              Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

              Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

              On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
              Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


              • #8
                Everyone is different and plan their play and RP differently. Just because they ask a question concerning level cap, which I saw as the main question was can you go EPIC, is an understandable question.

                As to the grinders, I admit that sometimes I do grind, especially when I am one of only two or three on the server; however, I have been irritated with some of the play lately I have seen also. Many, many times I have been to an area with my group and fighting goblins, or gnolls, or undead and someone shows up and just runs past us, saying nothing, to try and get tot he boss before us to get the goodies.

                Now that is bad taste. We could have invited him to the party or at least roleplayed something, but the guy just runs by. Oh well, maybe those people will leave after awhile when they have killed everything around and have all the EQ you could possibly carry?


                • #9
                  I happen to plan my builds before playing, and like to take such things as server level cap, item magic level and spell alterations into account before doing so. There is nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't make someone any less of a roleplayer for doing so. Some of us simply wish to take precautions against accidentally gimping ourselves, and make sure we can realize our character without screwing up through lack of planning.

                  I personally find the accusation that anyone who asks questions about the server environment in terms of mechanics or plans their builds in advance is a powergamer who can't roleplay...highly insulting and offensive.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Tildryn View Post
                    I happen to plan my builds before playing, and like to take such things as server level cap, item magic level and spell alterations into account before doing so. There is nothing wrong with that, and it doesn't make someone any less of a roleplayer for doing so. Some of us simply wish to take precautions against accidentally gimping ourselves, and make sure we can realize our character without screwing up through lack of planning.

                    I personally find the accusation that anyone who asks questions about the server environment in terms of mechanics or plans their builds in advance is a powergamer who can't roleplay...highly insulting and offensive.
                    Offensive, and snobbishly elitist.
                    • Hrogash - The Invincible Avatar of Gruumsh, Soon to be LORD OF ALL THAT EXISTS, BOW DOWN TO HROGASH FOR HROGASH IS MIGHTY!
                    • James Havinth - Goldenboy


                    • #11
                      All right I'm closing this as people aren't playing nice.

                      People are completely free to ask about server features that are not listed elsewhere on the site.

                      We have a very active staff and anyone who decides to powergame on metagame on Sundren will suffer the consequences. People who don't read the rules listed in our FAQ will be surprised when they find out the hard way. However this is a job for DMs and Admins to faciliate, not players.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin

