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Restricted Races / Classes

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  • Restricted Races / Classes

    Special races and closed classes are earned by winning our Role Player of the Month award.
    Here is the list of races that require RPoTM to unlock:

    Air Genasi
    Earth Genasi
    Fire Genasi
    Water Genasi

    Some classes are restricted and can only be accessed AFTER IC actions. For example, Red Wizard of Thay will need to appeal to Thayans in some means to be accepted. Stormlords must serve Talos and gain his favor. Shadow Thief of Amn must be inducted. Etc. This is something only a DM can do and not everyone who tries will make the fold.

    Do not submit a help request on the forums to request access to these classes. Ask a DM in-game for help so they are aware of your intentions.

    Here is the list of restricted classes:

    Red Wizard of Thay
    Shadow Thief of Amn
    Red Dragon Disciple
    Master of Many Forms
    Nature's Warrior
    Ice Fury of Auril
    Thayan Knight
    Dreadmaster of Bane
    Harper Agent
    Hellfire Warlock

    The following classes have been removed from Sundren as not appropriate to the setting:

    Neverwinter Nine DISABLED

    Any to premptively address any comments of the nature "Why is it restricted?", to put it simply Sundren wants to create a very immersive and realistic setting. While it is enjoyable to have truly unique races to be playable, the downside is that if everyone can play them, they lose that allure... and on top of that it ruins immersion.

    **Updated 2/2/09 PL**
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin

  • #2
    Note about Locked Classes:

    The DM staff is going to be much tougher on unlocking our restricted PRC's. These classes are very powerful in some cases, and we don't want too many of them running around at once. People with these classes should really be the "champions" of their causes, both rare and powerful. Too often, these classes have been opened just by engaging a DM. We need more than pestering and persistance.

    We are aware that you often build classes toward prerequisites for PRC's. But be aware, getting the class is not a given. I'd say the odds are below 50/50 for the average player. These unlocked classes are rewards and not given out lightly.

    How can you increase your odds? Be the champion of your cause, and be a champion of the Sundren community. What does that mean?

    * Make the DM staff aware of your PRC intentions so they can keep an eye on you. They don't have to run an event.
    * Always act as a champion for your god / organization / cause.
    * Role play well. Stand out to the staff and the community.
    * Make some great in-character posts.
    * Type well! We know there are sometimes language barriers, and we are willing to be flexible there. But don't type like a 12-year-old on AOL. Capitalize where appropriate and avoid too many spelling errors. The DM staff will ignore your role play posts if they are too hard to read.
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

