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DM Nysiss

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  • DM Nysiss

    Wow! I had a great time today, and i loved all your events. I just have to say nice job today, but don't burn yourself out! I really loved how you stayed active all the time and DMed . And also how you gave us a beating with controling that Ogre Chieftain. Once again, nice job, and thanks for the DMing. I was amazed.

  • #2
    Absolutely second this. In fact, I'll use the opportunity to give props to the entire DM team. TheID, Nyssis, Satoshi, Echelon, we love you even though you hurt us. ^_^ Actually, we love you because you hurt us. We are masochists.

    And hell, props to the entire staff.

    But Nyssis, really great job. Looking forward to more of the world coming alive through your efforts. ^^;
    Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

    Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

    On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
    Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


    • #3
      Originally posted by Raksha View Post
      TheID, Nyssis, Satoshi, Echelon, we love you even though you hurt us.
      We hurt you because we love you.


      • #4
        I had alot of fun DM'ing today. I was able to run a small event for a few newer players, and I have to give them a thumbs up. Very well done RP and event management. Even took time to notify me of actions before doing them which helped immensely! So a big thanks to the players too.


        • #5
          I'm glad you guys are enjoying the work the DMs are doing for Sundren. It makes our job really worthwhile to know that at least a few are pleased. And a big thanks to the players, also, for sticking by us when things go awry and maintaining interest. I'm thoroughly grateful. Without you around, we'd have no events.

          And yes, possessing the ogre chieftain was fun. I'll try to bring some more surprises to Sundren's landscape in the future. Thanks for giving me a chance and I hope to see you all more often in-game. ^_^


          • #6
            Oh god I can still remember the thought in my head... WTH?! Uhoh... Its talking.. DM-possessed.. RUN!!! XD


            • #7
              Haha yeah no kidding as it breaks through our lines and bashes our casters. Cant believe it didnt knock drakes head clean off, especially after layin his best lines on nai (was it nai?)


              • #8
                Ah, if Nysiss brought out the Shaman and Mage it would have been GG quickly. Lol, i can see her now spamming every dmg spell . 3 warlocks though... Each one with draining blast, pretty sick, just run around in circles n take turns.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Venture View Post
                  Haha yeah no kidding as it breaks through our lines and bashes our casters. Cant believe it didnt knock drakes head clean off, especially after layin his best lines on nai (was it nai?)
                  Yes. That was Naisan?, or "Nai" for short. I'm saving Drake's beatdown for her exclusively. One-on-one, mono y mono, but that's only if he persists. I'm sure a few intimidation tactics from Ms. 25+ Strength will fix this.

                  I would've been much more evil with the ogre chieftain and his lackeys, but I wanted to see how such a team would handle him alone. After the majority dropped, the survivors were running in circles and casting Draining Blast... Then the ogre chieftain yelling war cries and threats in Giant; man, that was hilarious.


                  • #10
                    Oh I assure you Drake will persist, any follower of loviatar would absolutely love a beating from a +25 strength woman of fire and passion like her. Cant wait to see im get his smug ass beaten up by her.
                    because you gotta realize, for a guy lik him, its kinda like sex.


                    • #11
                      Whee, i had no idea he followed Loviatar, now i know >_<. Try not to let things like that slip.


                      • #12
                        chance are he never will


                        • #13
                          No, i mean OOCly. Metagaming happens most of the time by accident.


                          • #14
                            Good morning all!
                            I'd just like to send out a huge THANK YOU to DMNyssis for an excellent night last night! Seems like it is a growing thread that you do a very good job in running all of your "side adventures" and quick hitting stories. Once again thank you and look forward to sharing time with you again!
                            "That which you cannot interdict, you incapacitate."
                            Andrew Vachss


                            • #15
                              Ah, yesterdays event with the bebasha dude was ruined thx to the horrible lag.

