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Status Update on Development - 8/15/2007

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  • Status Update on Development - 8/15/2007

    Quest System

    It's at about 80%. I found a method of calling scripts from plugins but I'm not sure of the safety of this method. I am awaiting info from nwnx developers. If they give it a no go, figure one last day of work before it's ready.

    Character Files

    Secretly I was adding code to our plugin so it can handle GFF files. For those who do not know what this is, it's the file format of the character files on the server. This will allow us to have tools for modifying character files Right in game. However, for the changes to commit, players can't be logged in or it might save over the changes. Don't worry, I've thought about that This will also allow us to add character deleting into the server. This will be in within the next few days with a series of "Are you absolutely sure?" message boxes

    OOC Tools

    All the OOC tool options will be placed on the context menu when you right click yourselves. This will take away from the need to have the tool in inventory and also allows options when in combat and other situations where dialogs can't be opened. Expect this in the next couple of days.

  • #2
    Many lore additions have been made to the wiki. New areas are also on the way!
    Sunder me? Sunder you!


    • #3
      @GBX: Does this mean that at long last, we can edit our character descriptions?

      Also: awesome work! Keep it up, dev team! We love you!
      Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

      Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

      On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
      Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


      • #4
        Raksha, that's the idea! We can edit things and you guys can edit some things too. My code is genius too, it'll be very simple to plugin the editting, unfortunately, like I said, you'll likely have to be booted from server while it does it's thing. It'll be fast but you can't be online while it does it.


        • #5
          Thats awesome! I've been wanting to edit my chars description!


          • #6

            I do not know how you guys do it, but your development team seems to know way more than any server I have ever been on. All the implementations have been great and help the server run much smoother.

            Just the auto updater saves mucho time!

            I for one appreciate all your hard work!


            • #7
              We recruit the best of the best All I do for a living is program C++ and systems engineering. This kind of thing is child's play, heheh.


              • #8
                I think I'm going to do OOC tool moving tonight, and possibly have character deletion in tonight. We'll see if I need testers


                • #9
                  yah! i want to clear out alot of my cruddy vault chars!


                  • #10
                    Wow! You guys are amazing! Soon word of your miraculous development will spread and players will flock to the server!!
                    ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                    ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                    ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                    • #11
                      Srsly, Sundren doesh ave the best mapping and programming and shiat! ITS UBA!


                      • #12
                        I can almost picture it... nights where I can log on and find 14-20 players on, at minimun!

                        OOOO the joy!
                        ~Lyonette L'cyr (Rook)-- Deader than Malaclypse

                        ~Megandlla Uyth 'Llar -- In a land Far Far away!

                        ~Emilee Mistwalker -- A Female Sigrun? Pfft, far cooler--.... eh.... Hated!!


                        • #13
                          Heh, thats how sundren used to be, and it was fun. And it'll surely be back like that..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ThePaganKing View Post
                            I do not know how you guys do it, but your development team seems to know way more than any server I have ever been on.
                            Quoted for truth! I have seen a number of forum discussions on other servers with people making suggestions, things I've already seen implemented here on Sundren, and the devs saying "We would love to do this but it's not possible in NWN2".

                            Nice work!
                            I got one leg missin'
                            How do I get around?

                            One Leg Missin'
                            Meet the Feebles


                            • #15
                              the ooc and deleting is bloody genius, i hate asking for vault wipes. that alone makes me pretty excited.

