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  • #16
    Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
    Eh, i dont think SUNDREN should ever allow drow to walk their streets again, after what all they did. Just too much confusion, slaughtering them all is a much more efficient way.
    *sharpens up an axe* Right then, let's get to it eh!
    I got one leg missin'
    How do I get around?

    One Leg Missin'
    Meet the Feebles


    • #17
      A word of caution: The "offending" drow is supposed to be clearly able to see that you are attacking him/her due to RP and IC reasons. Grief killing of drow will not be accepted.


      • #18
        Satoshi: Thank you for putting words on my POV on this subject.
        I rest my case
        I have a +1 question brewing in this skull somewhere...



        • #19
          No need to argue anything about, even my char is odd, I'll still support your decision. But everyone here is allowed to say what they are thinking about it so I guess wont complain about it.

          The thing I wonder is that as any race you are able to choose an alignment from good to evil but is a good Drow one that slaughters non-Drows for their own justice. Maybe an evil one would be the one does same but instead for fun or some greedy 'evil reasons'? Nah I think that where there are good ones there are always bad ones too and all between. It's not restricted to a race. There just happen to be a lot more evil Drows I guess and that is why they are so feared and hated.
          Okay I'll stop talking about it since I know not any better. ^^'

          Can't wait to see how all thesee things turns out in game.
          I just hope I would have that much time to play at least.. *sigh*
          ~ The puppetmaster of Xilphia Redclaw & Thyral Hammerhand ~


          • #20
            I'm not trying to be rude, but this is something we have an entire topic about, entitled 'Tolerance', and it just annoys me to see such completely unrealistic toleration of even the most bizzare, inhumane, and thoroughly evil races/classes. I'm a big fan of confrontation and conflict, and when everyone begins denouncing people for stereotyping and preparing to lynch a teifling/drow/warlock in the streets simply for openly being such a creature, there's something wrong. Especially if the that person is a Paladin! The righteous arm of the divine, and you have room to argue?!

            Anyway, my language is harsh, and my reasons are justified: if someone doesn't speak up, it only perpetuates the situation. Sure, there are going to be the oddly tolerant neutral good clerics of Lathander here and there, or people who've never seen/heard of the evils of the drow or demonic taint of warlocks who come from some rock in the middle of nowhere, but let's try to keep a little consistency with the setting. Being untrusting, resentful, even outright hostile In-Character will give the character very human emotions, drive conflict, and give room for growth. You may even enjoy the little racial rivalries, such as the constant strife between elves and dwarves, and find it as much a part of your character as their expertise with a weapon.
            Reinamar Stormseeker - The bladestorm that must turn back the wind. Arkerym of The People, practitioner of the forgotten art, pariah.

            Tyler Penleigh - Obligatory author insert, Red Blade Defender, sarcastic jerk, caring brother, loving fiancé, war criminal.

            Eirimil Gaelazair (Dead)- Bitter. Caustic. Abrasive. Egocentric. Probably right. Found dead in the burned-out Viridale forest a few weeks after the survivors were able to sweep the area after the Bloodmaim offensive. Aside from his usual attire, an intricate music box was the only thing in his possession.


            • #21
              I've always been a fan of hatred of evil races. In fact, my first proposition was for all Drow to be outright beat up if they were to enter society. The beginning of Sundren we tolerated it for a week or so cuz we had no fallback point for them and made up some BS until we did. (Nobody expected Drow to be selectable as a race in NWN2 when Sundren's lore was made I don't think).

              It pretty much a single DM who decided followers of Eilistraee should have a chance at living at peace with the surface. I never was at ease with this, and it caused many DM head aches at the time, many players will never know. Hours of discussion over just plain Drow.

              I'm of the feeling PWs cannot contain every possibility for character designs people can come up with for D&D. Everyone is trying to dig deep into books and pull out the wacky incarnation of something and expect DM's to just go along with it, or Area builders to support it. We only have so many resources, so much time, and so much we can do. Why not give the world a break and play something closer to "Common" peoples? If you're going to be a Drow, be close to C/E to make it easier on people. Don't try to be the one L/G Drow Paladin running around trying to save his people...

              Just saying...


              • #22
                Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                I'm of the feeling PWs cannot contain every possibility for character designs people can come up with for D&D. Everyone is trying to dig deep into books and pull out the wacky incarnation of something and expect DM's to just go along with it, or Area builders to support it. We only have so many resources, so much time, and so much we can do. Why not give the world a break and play something closer to "Common" peoples? If you're going to be a Drow, be close to C/E to make it easier on people. Don't try to be the one L/G Drow Paladin running around trying to save his people...

                Just saying...
                I can't stress enough how true that is. People easily forget this.
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin


                • #23
                  Eh, i don't mind followers of Elistaree, but if they think theyre going to have an easy time in sundren then they're quite wrong. I mean, they are still Drow, no matter what god they claim to worship.


                  • #24
                    So still no official word from the DMs about whats happened and hasnt?


                    • #25
                      All occurences in Sundren outside of Sundren.org's official standing are to be disregarded.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin


                      • #26
                        All right, cool.


                        • #27

                          I for one primarily play elves and will be hostile to drow no matter the situation. Of course, I will roleplay the encounter, probably really annoy the hell out of the drow with some name calling and tipping of nose upward and such, the things elves are really good at, and then it will probably come to blows, because dammit, that is what usually happens when you encounter a drow.

                          Every book, story, etc. that I have ever read about drow, real drow (not that goodie two shoes Drizzt) come to the surface for usually a couple things, find more slaves and kill/rape/pillage. So, if you know about drow, which every elf does, then you will act very hostile to them everytime, IMO.


                          • #28
                            Beast not spider


                            • #29
                              Well theres not much to say really , I belive drow should stay evil with infact a few exeptions about .10% of the total drow population.

                              Anyways like my grandpappy Used to always say, the only Good Drow is a dead Drow.
                              Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


                              • #30
                                Yours too, huh? =)
                                Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
                                Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

                                [DM] Poltergeist :
                                If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.

