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  • DM's

    Hey, i've noticed the staff page isnt up yet, so i was just wondering, who might be our DM's for Sundren? As alot of them are gone now. Or atleast, i don't see them around.

  • #2
    With the NWN end of Venoshia we'll likely see some of the old ones come lurking around here eventually... Which would make my heart soar! =D

    I loved doing stuff with Ash and Ethereal Edge in particular... But I don't have high hopes on Edges return... But I am hoping for Ash! Please come back Ash!
    Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

    Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
    Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
    Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
    Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
    Aramil - Nutter

    GMT -8


    • #3
      Do not expect to see any of the old DMs on Sundren.
      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

      George Carlin


      • #4
        Aww, there were a few i'd have like to seen come back.. and lallendos, it'll be nice to see you on the DM team ^_^.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Saulus View Post
          Do not expect to see any of the old DMs on Sundren.
          I am sorry and sadden to hear that. There were some that really did make things interesting.
          Myrddin Ariandraig


          • #6
            Originally posted by Myrddin View Post
            I am sorry and sadden to hear that. There were some that really did make things interesting.
            This is about moving forward, not back. Expect to have plenty of fun in the future.
            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

            George Carlin


            • #7
              "...... But I am hoping for Ash! Please come back Ash!"

              Thanks. However, I'm quite happy just to play. Treading all over Saulus' toes isn't fun for him or me, so I'll be directing my creative energies to other projects. I'm keen to at least play however - Sundren is, was and will still be the quality PW for NWN2, because the content's good (and will continue to be so - Saulus' code is always creative and Xeraph's maps are cool) and many of the players are fun to rp with.
              Mapper and Mad Kitten
              Currently playing:
              Lill Moonberry - Halfling Bard who knows the Hills are Alive with the Sound of angry goblins

