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Two Questions...

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  • Two Questions...

    I'm not sure whether or not any of this has been finalized yet, but if it has and it's information of public access then I'd like to just probe for it off the hop.

    1.) Sundrens Character vault, is it officially gone, to be reset to a particular date or still plodding along?

    2.) Accessibility of races, or more specificly in my case, Tieflings... Are they playable?
    Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

    Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
    Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
    Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
    Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
    Aramil - Nutter

    GMT -8

  • #2
    1) The Character vault is indeed gone. It will be better to start out fresh regardless due to the nature of the changes we've made to stores

    2) All races will be open and playable, the only race that may be subject to change that policy is the drow.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      Wiping out the vault would be a good thing, IMO. Lots of characters were planning to leave because of everything happening in Sundren,(Because of the fact Sundren was going to be wiped) and most of us'd probably have to remake anyways, as they'd have a difficult time explaining why their characters are still there. Im all for the wipe this time! ^_^


      • #4
        Oh yes, two more questions...

        1) ECL races are still going to be by application only right?

        2) If so, can we begin applying for them now?
        Aesa Volsung - Uthgardt Warrior

        Gabrielle Atkinson - Mage Priest of Torm
        Anasath Zesiro - Mulhorandi Morninglord
        Kyoko - Tiefling Diviner
        Yashedeus - Cyrist Warlock
        Aramil - Nutter

        GMT -8


        • #5
          Not likely but this may be subject to change.

          You'll know in time.
          The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

          George Carlin

