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Sundren Memories

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  • #31
    Ruby breaking Varsick out of jail... "I'm here to rescue..." *accidentally kills Varsick* "... Oops!"

    After the game, the king and the pawn go into the same box.


    • #32
      This one and this one stand out for me as capturing some of the more remarkable moments I had as a player and giving the best insight into the character.

      Truly, I had amazing interactions with incredible depth with too many characters. I'll just throw out Clive Tarsus, Adeodatus Exitium, Varsick Gyz, Mathell Cavaliere, Aedan Gilter, Ursus Ahrahl, Bram Drismon, Tigen Amastacia, Peridan Durothil, Emiliana Blackwell, Darius Blackwell, Lasvi Norreitryn, and Anasath Zesiro as characters who affected mine either directly through our interactions our indirectly with the thoughtful portrayal of their characters. When I think of moments when I was truly moved or impressed by someone's play, those are the names that usually come up.

      If you really wanted to understand Tornbrook, though, you'd have to start with two other characters:

      Priya Sera ...
      ... and Kyle Rendell.


      • #33
        My turn!

        There are too many memorable moments in Sundren that I can not even begin to list them all. So here are some that I can think of on top of my head.

        Most memorable duel was probably Kyle Rendell vs "Thumper" Reeds. Took place in the town square of Aquor. The duel started out with Kyle drawing out his sword and telling of it's origin story. The long sword known as Gravemaker which was forged by the combined efforts of Dain the Judicator of Wrath, Peridan the One-Eyed Dog of the Legion, Tigen the Bastard and so on and so forth... After Kyle finished telling the origin story, he demanded Reeds to do the same. Reeds reluctantly agreed. It was while Reeds was telling his sword's origin story that Kyle decided to do a preemptive attack. Kyle and several of the towns people(probably paid by Kyle) then proceeded to pummel Reeds to the ground. After Kyle won the duel, he told Reeds... this is a duel not a story telling contest.

        Most memorable tale of friendship was with Dain Tornbrook. This was a time when Kyle was Dain's hired bodyguard. Dain and Priya came to Kyle for help when the mighty paladin was targeted by assassins. Dain told Kyle that many assassins was after his life, and that he would most likely not survive it. Being the close friend that they were back then, Kyle knew exactly what Dain was thinking. So he told Dain not to worry. And that he had already deduced the reason why Dain came to him with Priya.
        So like a good friend Kyle agreed to take care of Priya and all her needs and desires when Dain gets assassinated without the paladin having ever to ask. Fortunately for Dain, knowing that Priya would be in good hands after his death was probably enough motivation for him survive through the ordeal.

        Most memorable romantic moment was with Kyle Rendell and Priya Sera. Kyle was trying to seduce Priya, so he put on his wolf headdress and proceeded to walk towards her. He waited till her gazed met his and then he stared deeply into her eyes with full of passion. He waited for a moment brief moment to pass, and then he whispered softly to her ears...
        How awesome am I? Which she then admitted, awesome. I totally stole this move from a movie btw!

        There are a lot more moments with many more players and staff, and it is because of the fun interaction I have with them that I have been playing on Sundren for nearly a decade.
        "Thanks is best given in the form of gold." -Kyle Rendell


        • #34
          I know this is a bit late but I thought I would try to put some things down...

          Sundren is the first on-line game ever for me. So you can imagine all my challenges. Did I know how to build toons, no. There was always a saved game I could go back to... wait that's not true for on-line games too? Well my fist toon ever was a disaster build but fun to RP and that is what it's all about!

          Elandra Nezzerscape had many adventures even fell in love once. I has honored to play along with a whole bunch of great players and learned a lot! I love the Red Blades and the RP that I had with them. When playing Elandra several players really made to game fun so I would like to call out a few: KimKandor, richardleitch5, Sonja BloodRayne, kuscotopia, and Torgar (the bastard! all in fun XOXO).

          Yodglum, well he was a secondary toon for me but my 2 hin brothers may him so much fun to play: AsuraKing and ???

          After a long brake I came back to Sundren and was very pleased that I did. This time I had more RP under my belt so I thought I would try my first evil toon... Alexandra Nezzerscape. Well I had so much fun with Team Evil I could not imagine why it took me so long to turn to the dark side. I love all the BH member and I could list them all out but you all know who they are. I will point out two just because of the special PR with them: Memnoch1962 and Redjack.

          Well special moments for me.. hmmm. I will say I have one moment that I will always remember and sorry to say I never know who it was with... Elandra happen to be walking though Aqour (yes I killed it) and walked by an NPC as we all do. Well this time the NPC coughed. I had a 30 min conversation of taking care of one's self with a member of the staff. It is silly to have this stick in my mind I suppose but to have a simple spur-of-the-moment interaction with a DM / NPC it was awesome. No combat, no quest, really no purpose other than to RP. Well whoever you are, I will remember if forever!

          If I tried to point out other special moments there would be too many and I would leave some of them out even though they we just as special and that would make some sad. I will point out I love putting richardleitch5's RB toon on the spot and I think Sonja BloodRayne enjoyed it just as much.

          Well I cannot finish talking about my love for this server without saying I met Snoop in real-life at a convention ("I nearly missed him / adventures in babysitting") and Memnoch1962 I do not really think Dante had a chance... Alex was to be Clive's personal play thing.

          Oh... thank you BH for enduring my torture sessions, and staff for letting me perform them

          Elandra: A former Red Blade, now roams the wilderness with the Lone wolf as her guide
          Alexandra: Ever faithful (just shy of a Zealot)
          Yodglum: May Kossuth's flame light your way and burn those in it!
          Ash: Dusty old miner of still looking for the "mother load" on Exigo's stag

          Shaving kittens: not an official sport, but fun just the same

