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THANK YOUs to all who have, so far, participated in...

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  • THANK YOUs to all who have, so far, participated in...

    Figured it was about time to say a public, big, thank you for all the great RP and help in the troubles of my character Sakamoto.

    As this has been a player invented and player-led "event" of sorts, I am doubly thankful for not seeing a single speck of meta-gaming from anyone involved. Most impressive I must say

    It has taken all involved 3 months of RP to get to todays RP, but well worth it. Time and RP will tell where this leads to now

    Kudos to:

    Isiolia Le'len (Thorandike). Sticking by Saka no matter what he throws at her. Impressive, or insane *grins*
    Larani (Felnak). A fountain of wisdom, doing her best to get Saka to understand what he is experiencing (visions).
    Tamara Roth. (Raksha). Friend and support in the time of need.
    Ryder Kyros (Akuma_Reiten). A Good friend, a support and also one that Saka can kick in the shin when he feels like it *grins*
    Caelreth (cmosier). Reckless, but with the smarts to help Saka.
    Nuru (Indigostorm). A fighter to trust, as long as she doesn't go in cahoots with Isiolia to torment Saka. *smiles*

    If I have missed any of you, I am deeply sorry.
    Last edited by psycho1976; 06-05-2007, 01:18 AM.
    Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

    I can hear what you're thinking,
    All your doubts and fears,
    And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
    The reason I'm here.