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Where does animal companion come from?

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  • Where does animal companion come from?

    Hi all,

    In the game, due to NWN2 engine and graphic, the animal companion seems to just come from nowhere.

    But in realistic FR style, where does the animal companion comes from? Do they really just jump out from a puffs of smoke in the air?

    Also, are they real animals? Or are they a spirit taken a form of an animal, blessed to protect the ranger or the druid?
    "You must gather your party before venturing forth".

    What my game videos at:

  • #2
    they are illegal, don't worry -where- they came from, rather where -you- go to !
    Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

    Desmonia Flashir

    GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


    • #3
      According to D&D Lore animal compainions are real animals the Druid/Ranger has picked up as a friend of nature for thier journies, ussualy they arent "pets" they are more like respected members of the Druid/Rangers family


      • #4
        And usually you don't summon them out of thin air, last I read. That's what paladin's do to summon their mount. Sadly I don't have my Player's Handbook around to confirm.


        • #5
          It seems it would make sense to assume the animal friend is always around the druid or Ranger.

          And the act of 'Summoning" it in the game represent calling it right next to you.
          "You must gather your party before venturing forth".

          What my game videos at:


          • #6
            Seeing the way the game engine seemed to function, I've always taken the 'paladin summons supernatural mount' approach myself with Aodan, Maia's badger companion. Like, Aodan is an entity from the Beastland that Solonor blessed her with the ability to summon, and so on.
            Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


            • #7
              What would make them real animal friends, and what would make them supernatural summons?
              "You must gather your party before venturing forth".

              What my game videos at:


              • #8
                If this was PnP, of course a DM could interpret them as real animal friends... but then, a DM would generally manage that sort of stuff. In NwN2 and the Sundren PW, I don't think the DM staff would stoop down so far as to possess your own animal companions, so, we're limited to the AI and the game engine as to their interpretation.

                The animal companion appears out of thin air. Regardless of how you roleplay it, it does - in our eyes - appear out of thin air. Sometimes, you don't really have the opportunity to put some roleplaying behind it too. And other times, it can be dismissed or it can die and you can summon it again later (which is better than a paladin's mount, actually); it's also far braver than any ordinary animal would be.

                So, out of convenience as far as suspension of disbelief goes in Nwn2 and this PW, I really do think it's better to consider them supernatural summons.
                Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


                • #9
                  Yeah, I usually whistle or make some noise for my pet to come.


                  • #10
                    I once had a DM make Happy wiggle his nose, actually. I think he was mocking me.


                    • #11
                      Well in PnP they are a real animal that basically follows you as a companion like the paladin's mount.

                      In NWN2 I think it is really a RP issue as to where they come from. My character Ian has a complete story about his animal as to how they met and also the constant worry he has over the effect that summoning has on Liam the bear. Ask me in-game if you are interested in hearing it .
                      James Leith - Gone home to the Isles
                      Iefan Gwyllym - Newly arrived!

