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Hosting Renewal

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  • Hosting Renewal

    Hey guys,

    Some of you may have noticed the wiki is down, long story short I had to patch the forum to fix a security hole which also changed the requirements of certain server hosting settings that are no longer available on the package I'm using.

    Basically what it boils down to is the site hosting is going to be a tad bit more expensive... BUT it should at least mean better, more consistent website performance and download performance for updates etc.

    Having said that, the renewal is $300 bucks for the year (it's cheaper on a year term), so I'm hoping we can lessen that blow a bit with a few donations

    Your support has always helped immensely with covering the costs in the past and it's part of why we continue to give back to you as best we can.

    Even if it's only $5 you can spare, it goes a long way, and we do truly appreciate it!

    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin

  • #2
    You guys have helped lots, thanks!!
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      We should next crowdfund Doubt a new desktop then make him pay off his debt in Sundren related labors!

      ....too soon? Is he still mourning?
      Last edited by kuscotopia; 05-02-2014, 01:25 PM.


      • #4
        Heh, QA might need some aid there too, from my understanding; bacon-powered cooling is a tad more esoteric than effective, I might imagine.

        Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
        Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
        Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
        Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
        Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

        James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
        AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
        Theme: Stil Alive

        Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

        Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

        Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
        To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
        crafting tutorial.

        Unfortunate truths:
        Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
        Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


        • #5
          Originally posted by kuscotopia View Post
          We should next crowdfund Doubt a new desktop then make him pay off his debt in Sundren related labors!

          ....too soon? Is he still mourning?
          Too soon man, too soon!


          Poor boxy...

          Yeah, QA should be higher up the list than me! I've still got a perfectly good laptop.

          Besides, if I got paid anything then I'd have to switch it up from being a happy hobbyist to a focused semi professional (my narrator sarcasticly informed me this is often called being an amateur), working with my clients to priorities projects, setting out and sticking to realistic, achievable deadlines, giving regular updates to stakeholders and ensuring any money is well invested.

          Plus, I'd have to stop being all rude and sarcastic and stuff, and that's just a hard sell.
          It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
          Sydney Smith.

