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Stealth bugged, lets flag it!!!

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  • Stealth bugged, lets flag it!!!

    Hi had a issue the other day somone was stealthed and i didnt know it, its too bad nwn2 isnt fixed yet but i thought of an idea, one way we could know somone was hiding in the bushes instead of just sitting in the tall grass, is if we had flags, you know like in nwn1, a flag, say a black flag anyone stealthed could equip, so everyone walking by would auto know they are stealthed and not break rp and if they wanted to theyed know to make a roll check and things could go smooth.

    just an idea


  • #2
    thats a good idea. Doesnt even need to be a literal flag. Could even be a certain spell effect like the one for Battletide or something more subtle like Mirror Image? Some sort of text that appears over their head? Could go alot of different ways with this really.
    Garion Redwind- Elitist Wizard
    Rake- The one-eyed Scout
    Two wrongs dont make a right, but three lefts do!


    • #3
      ya or some custom item one can hold in there hand, somthing to make it easy to know whos hiding and whos not. perhaps the dm can make a specail item?


      • #4
        There is a hak similar to DMFI (which can use DMFI as a plug in too, and has a lot of nice things) that has an AFK switch. When you turn it on, you get "AFK" in bright yellow letters on top of your character, remaining until you turn it off. Maybe something like that could work, if something will be done?
        Ashley, the social chameleon.


        Lockindal: "All PVP is an epeen fight."

