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DM Feedback - GodBeastX

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  • DM Feedback - GodBeastX

    Man, you guys hold your gripes in too much I run events for you guys, if you don't like them, then tell me. What was bad? What can be better? Did you feel rewarded for your effort? Were the rewards pointless? Help a brotha out. If everyone says "I had fun" all the time or nothing, how can I change anything?


    Also, this is for my events only. So don't drag other Dms into this. They might not take criticism as well as me

  • #2
    Well, when I first started on the server, I used to be involved in lots of plots with you. Now i barely am in plots with yah, You focus more on just talking to us with npcs, like Kollotta, then running events for us. But i've liked your events, though I've rarely gotten rewarded, other then xp.


    • #3
      I don't think I've ever been in an event of yours...

      My suggestion is to do more events.
      Fun RP + XP reward = Happy Acheron
      Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


      • #4
        I dig the whole Kollotta plotline, but I think if you're really serious about her "plan" you should draw it out. Whether she succeeds or not, this is something that should go on for a long time.

        Love the world, and the hard work you've put into it. As a developer and designer myself, I know how much time and love it takes. Great job all around. I'm very impressed.

