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CRRRAAAAASssssshhhh *dies*

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  • CRRRAAAAASssssshhhh *dies*


    Who else, besides me, has had an unexplained series of crashes lately? Mine have been that I cant even log in to Sundren now >.< ggrrawr!!!

    Has there been a update or something that may cause this? Curious.

  • #2
    No freaking idea.
    Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

    Desmonia Flashir

    GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


    • #3
      Did you download the 1.2.1 hotfix?

      If you have it.. did you try to revert back to the 1.2??

      also try making a bogus character real quick and see if you can log in with another character.
      Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

      Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


      • #4
        it used to happen to me like ALLLL THE TIME!

        Then I turned off render grass... and now I crash about 1/15 times I would have before. Ive heard so many random cases. Although my comp isnt great.. espcially for some of the Beautifully textured heavy parts of Sundren.
        "People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it."
        Gamespy ID: ItalianDDog
        Vladislak Phen - Deceased
        Odalis Occultian - Alive and thieving
        Laric Frashul - Healer Priest of Ilmater


        • #5
          Obsidian is aware of this issue and working to fix it. They just suck at fixing it.


          • #6
            Hurh, strange...

            - Nope havent done any hotfixes
            - Nope didnt revert to anything
            - Have logged a few times since with zero problems
            - always have everything turned on max for settings: I paid enough for my system and built it myself so it'd better darn well work for anything I put it against

            Thanks for replies guys!


            • #7
              Originally posted by CharmedImSure View Post

              - always have everything turned on max for settings: I paid enough for my system and built it myself so it'd better darn well work for anything I put it against
              Well there is your number 1 problem right there. You built it yourself. <---- * only says this cause charms likes to boast about herself alot.. so he delights in destroying her ego *

              So did you download the 1.2.1 hotfix in the download section.. Miss CharmedImAwesome??
              Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

              Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


              • #8
                Originally posted by Soulbadguy View Post
                Well there is your number 1 problem right there. You built it yourself. <---- * only says this cause charms likes to boast about herself alot.. so he delights in destroying her ego *

                So did you download the 1.2.1 hotfix in the download section.. Miss CharmedImAwesome??
                1) sometimes you can be a real ass, Dave
                2) at least I KNOW how to build a system and troubleshoot it
                3) no I didnt DL a hotfix and dint know it existed until recently
                4) see #1


                • #9
                  lol, interesting.. Im sure the problem is most likely cuz of Obsidian.


                  • #10
                    Since Sundren was updated to version 1.2, I have had a series of crashes. I downloaded the hotfix and it is somewhat better. Although, I still load quite slowly into Necropolis, Necropolis Level 1 and Necropolis Level 2. My crash rate is nearly zero into Necropolis, about 1 in 4 into Necropolis Level 1 and nearly 1 in 2 into Necropolis level 2. I anticipate this crashing will decrease when the server is updated. However, I also anticipate that some crashing will continue due to ongoing Obsidian issues.



                    • #11
                      I'd like to publicy apologies for my jest with Charmed in the above stated.. She wants to kick me in the nuts for it, eventhough it was only meant for fun.

                      Sorry Charmed and I hope you forgive me.
                      Current: Dae'Vesta, freaky female half-drow assassin

                      Like Metal ? ----> http://www.myspace.com/cryofsickness2008


                      • #12
                        *pout-faced, walks up and hugs* Ok....big meany


                        • #13
                          Very smooth SBG, very smooth...
                          Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

                          Desmonia Flashir

                          GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


                          • #14
                            Guys... sometimes a simple excuse can go a long way with women. See what SBG did. Learn from our wise GM.
                            Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem


                            • #15
                              "...sometimes a simple excuse can go a long way with people..."

                              Corrected your spelling mistake. (Incidentally just for future reference, here's how you spell two other relevant words - patronising and sexist. Hope this helps.)
                              Mapper and Mad Kitten
                              Currently playing:
                              Lill Moonberry - Halfling Bard who knows the Hills are Alive with the Sound of angry goblins

