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City Access

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  • City Access

    Until we get the automated method for distributing Portal passes rolled out (hopefully within the next week), our temporary solution has been to distribute a supply to officer ranking Legion and Hand PCs and have them RP issuing them to other PCs as they seem fit.

    This temporary solution seems to be causing a few people to lose their shit, and I'm getting the impression that some misinformation is getting spread. I want to reiterate that the update has been live for a few days, and we're working on an automated process. There are bugs (lots of bugs) and we're trying to stamp them out as they're reported.

    Sit tight and try to deal with inconveniences in character if possible. DMs are willing to work with you toward solutions -- see the Thayan bank.
    Originally posted by Saulus
    Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.

  • #2
    The Thayan Bank is a good remedy for getting access to your Bank. Spread the word.


    • #3
      Come to the Enclave for all your needs! We don't need no stinking city in the clouds.

      Looking forward to see what you guys come up with, even if I doubt I'll personally be able to to use it. I'm loving the RP opportunities presented by this whole thing so far, though.
      -Arcanist Josirah Caranos, Red Wizard of Thay


      • #4
        Now's a great time to apply for the r3CG. Enjoy all of the perks from pre-Sundering, with the added benefit of being able to come and go from the city with ease! Talk about convenience!

        Enroll today!

        The r3CG is not responsible for the sexing of horses or their riders. Such inquiries should be directed to the Harbinger of Wrath, Saulus Mursaudus, care of the LaCroix Manor steward, Dain Tornbrook. The r3CG is a not-for-not-Dain-profit organization that makes financial contributions to PII (Paladin Improvement Initiative), FFL (Fighter Fortification League), and the RRG (Rogue Restructuring Group). The r3CG is an equal opportunity employer, but some opportunities are more equal than others.
        Originally posted by Cornuto
        Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


        • #5
          To follow up on that, here is the lowdown on the system I'm working on.

          There will be two types of items. Passes, and Identification papers. Both will be created dynamically via scripts.

          Identification Papers
          Identification papers will be flat out required to enter the city at all, although they will not guarantee access. There will be two NPCs to start with, one in the city and one on the ground. Players will be able to purchase Citizen Identification Papers for 5,000 gp (may be adjusted later).

          There will be two types of ID papers, Citizen and Merchant. Those that accept Citizen papers will be lawful citizens of Sundren, whereas those with ID passes will be legal foreigners. Think of Merchant ID's as being visas for noy just merchants but tourists/diplomats/etc. There is currently no mechanical difference between the two, for portal access. PC's can be free to rp the differences however they wish. Things may be added later to differentiate the two.

          ID papers will have their creation date, expiration date, and the names of the person who authorized the papers, and the person they are being issued to, in the item's description. Papers are valid for 6 RL months from their creation.

          Those with Legion or Issuing passes will be able to create ID papers for other people at a greatly reduced cost (free, atm. This might change).

          Papers will be required to not just enter the city, but anyone not in the slum/cheapside areas can expect both NPCs and PCs to ask to see their papers at any time. Refusal will result in either jailtime, or getting thrown into the slums. They will eventually be required to enter certain areas (Some temples, the university/library, etc).

          In addition to this, they will eventually work as passports, of a sort. Anyone entering or leaving the city will have the date of transit added into the description along with the name of the PC who authorized the transit (themselves, if they have a pass)
          Some classes of passes will be able to authorize the entry of others into their party to enter the city. The authorizing player's name will be logged in the other person's ID papers and they will be responsible for that person until they acquire their own pass.
          There will be several classes of passes, each will have different ranges of expiration dates, based on the type of pass. The exact expiration date will be chosen by the DM or PC that issues the pass.
          • Issuing
            Entrusted to players that are both leaders of Sundren friendly factions (Legion/Hands/Red Blades/Helmites
            and trusted by the DM team to not abuse the power. These passes will allow the issuing of any other sort of pass, as well as the creation of ID papers. Those that are authorized entry into Sundren with this pass will not be checked for their ID papers by NPC guards, as it will be assumed that the Issuing Pass' owner checked them.
          • Legion
            Given out to members of the Legion and its allies by DMs and PCs with Issuing passes, this pass will enable the issuing of guest passes, as well as the creation of ID papers. Those that are authorized entry into Sundren with this pass will not be checked for their ID papers by NPC guards, as it will be assumed that the Issuing Pass' owner checked them.
          • Citizen
            Citizen passes are given out by DM's and PC's with Issuing passes and allow the bearer to authorize guests to enter the city with them. Guards will still check these other players for their ID papers and deny entry if they do not have them.
          • Merchant
            Merchant passes are given out by DM's and PC's and allow entry into the city, only. Bearers may not authorize guest entry.
          • Guest
            Guest passes are given out by DM's and PC's and allow entry into the city, only. Bearers may not authorize guest entry. They have drastically shorter expiration dates (weeks, rather than months)
          Forging and otherwise cheating the system
          The Pass/ID system is being designed with the intent to add Forging subsystems into place. Forgeries will not be included with the initial update, as I would rather get the base system out as soon as possible.

          Expect great use of the forgery skill to be necessary for forging passes and ID documents.

          Spot checks, the ability to alter logs on both Passes and ID documents, and the ability to create documents with aliases that still reference the target player are currently slated for this system.
          Both ID papers and Passes will be vellum scrolls, in which the relevant information is tattoo'd into them, along with a rough portrait of the document's owner. Identification papers will be mundane objects, and will able to be forged by anyone with the appropriate skills and materials. The Legion is in the process of assigning papers to all citizens currently in the city, but the city was flooded with refugees and so the slums are packed and no one is interested in wasting their time with them until the more prosperous areas are stable and secure.

          Passes will be magically proofed against forging and alterations, although those with sufficient ability and training may be able to thwart such protections.

          Because they require potent magics, passes are issued on a need to have basis only, and the preference from NPC leaders is to have them expire after months, or years (RL time).

          Do not expect to get a pass from a DM or PC unless your roleplay can support the city spending the time, money, and resources of their wizards on granting such an item. Now would be a good time to begin working on that sort of roleplay and cover identities.


          • #6
            Looks like an awesome system, can't wait to see it in place and active!

            Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
            Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
            Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
            Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
            Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

            James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
            AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
            Theme: Stil Alive

            Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

            Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

            Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
            To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
            crafting tutorial.

            Unfortunate truths:
            Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
            Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


            • #7
              Really intriguing sounding system! Though, maybe a tiered cost for the citizen's papers depending on how much gold you have on you and in the bank? I remember it taking me to level 10 to amass 5,000 gold on Ivan, and that was without buying anything else (though, he did die rather generously in his early levels, so that probably contributed to it).


              • #8
                Sounds awesome... I'll be looking for some forgerers to make me some papers :P
                Lazklesh: Water-soul, Fury of Auril
                Vlad A'dier: Arrow of Akadi, Blackwood Merc
                Jobella Nightjaw: Hunteress and blood spiller

                Anosh Lis'lahoul: The ghoul of Serrano, The Nameless Monk. Accepted his fate, and accepted death at the hands of his master.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by roguethree View Post
                  Now's a great time to apply for the r3CG. Enjoy all of the perks from pre-Sundering, with the added benefit of being able to come and go from the city with ease! Talk about convenience!

                  Enroll today!

                  The r3CG is not responsible for the sexing of horses or their riders. Such inquiries should be directed to the Harbinger of Wrath, Saulus Mursaudus, care of the LaCroix Manor steward, Dain Tornbrook. The r3CG is a not-for-not-Dain-profit organization that makes financial contributions to PII (Paladin Improvement Initiative), FFL (Fighter Fortification League), and the RRG (Rogue Restructuring Group). The r3CG is an equal opportunity employer, but some opportunities are more equal than others.
                  Since I am the god father of r3CG I declare - The New qualifications for joining the r3CG is YOU HAVE TO HAVE DESTROYED the Lich's Phylactery.
                  "Service to a cause greater than yourself is the utmost honor you can achieve."

