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Where is everybody?

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  • Where is everybody?

    So I logged in and while this world looks really well done where is everybody? For a community that seems to be fairly large the number of players on is a bit surprising is it just the summer or are people just waiting for the Second Sundering?

  • #2
    I haven't been playing for too long, but from what I've gathered it goes on and off. One day may have around 20 people, while the next only get's about 5 steady or even less. DM events bring a lot of people online at the same time, and by a lot I mean over 30-40. But it really depends on the day.

    Today seemed to be a pretty off day, for example I was offline due to GW2 beta and Migicka, and others were properly having to deal with RL or just decided to not play today. I can't really say if people are just waiting around for the big update, but I suggest just keep logging on and you'll eventually find a good group of people online to mess around with.

    P.S Welcome to the community. =)
    Harra Mattan: Palemaster who ripped people's guts out for practical reasons. RIP.


    • #3
      with d3's launch the server has been a little low of numbers but Ive noticed thats slowly starting to turn around. Also some are dealing with end of collage stuff others just life. we are here, we are watching you. *cackle*
      Bram Drismon: Sundrens Centurio



      • #4
        Some of us work retarded 12 hour swing shifts. For myself, it alternated 5am to 5pm, and 5pm to 5am, so my play times vary greatly
        Lazklesh: Water-soul, Fury of Auril
        Vlad A'dier: Arrow of Akadi, Blackwood Merc
        Jobella Nightjaw: Hunteress and blood spiller

        Anosh Lis'lahoul: The ghoul of Serrano, The Nameless Monk. Accepted his fate, and accepted death at the hands of his master.


        • #5
          We really should get a recruitment campaign going, Sundren could be THE roleplaying server for NWN2. Beyond Dalelands and Baldurs Gate both have massive playerbases with their numbers being 50s daily, while I am new here I would love to find a way to get something like this ourselves.


          • #6
            I've never seen 30-40 people online before. Could it be because most people here live in the americas?
            My'athvin Simaryl - Elven Mhaornathil
            Mhaenal Ahmaquissar - Minstrel Knight


            • #7
              I wouldn't worry so much about the server population. It ebbs and flows with the seasons. Last year this time the server population dropped off significantly... Many players went to the Dalelands.

              There were very few of us that stuck it out and continued to develop our characters. Eventually, the server population returned and many players were looking to those who stuck it out to help reestablish themselves.

              I take the ebb and flow with a grain of salt. The only thing that has ever concerned me is when a player returns to Sundren after playing another server... only to be showered with praise, xp, and reputation.

              Stick it out... because Sundren is worth it to stay.
              Last edited by ManUtd4Ever; 06-10-2012, 07:53 AM.


              • #8
                Well from what I can tell Dalelands has no where near the quality or as interesting of a setting as Sundren has so I hope at some point the tide flows back.


                • #9
                  just like most games, there are times of the year that populations increase and decrease. summer, exams, family commitments, travel, vacations, work. ive been here steady since january ish off and on for years (due to the above statements). give it a chance. once things settle out. and the shinny wears off other games (which is what all ways happens) folks will be back.


                  • #10
                    Yeah, pretty quiet around here at the moment...like they said I think D3 etc has a big impact, and some of the other servers seem to have constant 40+ players so sometimes that looks tempting...

                    But, been there and done that...most of them are pretty disappointing. So, if you like RP you would probably come back to Sundren in the end. Heck, i even like the ridiculously tough crafting system, as it makes your +3 sword seem a lot cooler after you spent months searching the ingredients for it
                    Yes, I realise my RP writing sucks. Just be thankful I keep it short

                    Thalanis Moonshadow


                    • #11
                      Most of the other servers have zero restrictions and a fast level cap. It doesn't surprise me more people play there, when we never had restrictions it was similar.
                      The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                      George Carlin


                      • #12

                        I think that answers the topics question.

                        Also explains why I'm not IG!
                        It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
                        Sydney Smith.


                        • #13
                          About a year or so ago, when the server was upgraded to allow for more people, there was usually a daily amount of 35-50 players online every day for a few months, and then that dropped off. So, the numbers have been large before, it's just about peoples interests and, as others have said, frequency of an update, dm events, and the launch of other new games that alter the amount of players. It's pretty common for our numbers one month to be in the single digits, and then a month later to swing back up to the 20's.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Doubtful View Post

                            I think that answers the topics question.

                            Also explains why I'm not IG!
                            Shut up about not being near your PC already, buy a damn laptop. Steal one if you have to.
                            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                            George Carlin


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Saulus View Post
                              Most of the other servers have zero restrictions and a fast level cap. It doesn't surprise me more people play there, when we never had restrictions it was similar.
                              Yea that's true. I played on Dalelands before I came here, but the world isn't as big. The Rp is always the same. There were way to many of the rare races. I had an air genasi that started a guild of all genasi. When I stopped playing it had 8 air genasi, 1 fire, 2 water, and 3 earth. And there was still quite a few genasi that weren't in it. Not mention the fact that there were atleast 15 warlocks... The RP, DM's, areas, and all server here are so much better. Only thing Dale has on Sundren is the number of players, but at the same time, IMHO, I like the player base here better.
                              Lazklesh: Water-soul, Fury of Auril
                              Vlad A'dier: Arrow of Akadi, Blackwood Merc
                              Jobella Nightjaw: Hunteress and blood spiller

                              Anosh Lis'lahoul: The ghoul of Serrano, The Nameless Monk. Accepted his fate, and accepted death at the hands of his master.

