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Druids take note!

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  • Druids take note!

    Ok folks, first off I have to appologise as I have not been on here or on the server as much as I would have liked to have been latley, but some family issues and work related responsibilities have taken their toll (the later will be eating up the next 3 months of my life ) damn work....*shakes fist*

    Anyway as Druids and Nature fit into my little realm I felt before I am dragged kicking and screaming into my work training program I should highlight an issue that I will be paying close attention to apon my return.

    I speak of course of druids running around in heavy armour made of metal. Bad druids! Very Bad!

    Just in case you are no aware of it yet, this will not be tollerated. As a druid you are restricted in what armour you can use, but do not fear, the good designers at Sundren Item Co. have not forgotten your needs.

    Ironwood armour is the answer, so when I do return from my *mutters under his breath and shakes fist again* training camp, I'll be on the look out to make sure druids are not in breach of this rule.

    If there are any questions feel free to send me a PM

  • #2

    I've been waiting for some kind of word on ironwood armor for EVAR!
    Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!


    • #3
      So does Oghmek ^^

      If you want. I'll take over the druid love for the time being Elka. I'll smite them with small quests and plots here and there. Make them feel druidy.
      Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

      Desmonia Flashir

      GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


      • #4
        Druid Armor Question

        I am just starting a Druid (think he is level 4), but just cant seem to find any decent armor...I had him wearing chain, then a breastplate (didn't go heavy) but it is still metal. If I take it off, I spend a lot of time in the rez mode...is there a place where I can get some better "natural armor"?

        Also I am pretty new here, after level 4 any hints where to go? I am at Sunderers gate.

        The Duck
        Jandar Snow - Cleric of Justice (with a little weakness for alcohol/women/song/etc)
        Llorimar Snow - A young Druid, forced to find himself before joining the Circle

        "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ---WOW---WHAT A RIDE!!!"


        • #5
          The easiest and best way to learn the ins and out of a class is to hang with others of that class. If you are ever on late at night, come find me, and we'll be all druidy together until we both throw up, heh.
          -Player of Druid Rosalyn Leafall
          and Bard Ancora Dallenson-

          Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
          --John Alexander Thom
          This is the story of my life.


          • #6
            Druids are restricted to non metal armors for now, which means they are pretty much only able to get Hide Armor ( 3 AC was it ? ). Ironwood will come in as minion Elka stated.
            Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

            Desmonia Flashir

            GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


            • #7
              think my druid will stick to his starter armor for now, I prefer the green leather over orange :P


              • #8

                Autumn, I will keep an eye out for you....any particular night that you play?
                Jandar Snow - Cleric of Justice (with a little weakness for alcohol/women/song/etc)
                Llorimar Snow - A young Druid, forced to find himself before joining the Circle

                "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ---WOW---WHAT A RIDE!!!"


                • #9
                  aren't druids of Mielliki or whateva allowed to wear medium metal armor?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jandar View Post
                    Autumn, I will keep an eye out for you....any particular night that you play?
                    LOL! Is there a particular night I don't play would be the better question. Sundren is my cocaine.
                    -Player of Druid Rosalyn Leafall
                    and Bard Ancora Dallenson-

                    Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
                    --John Alexander Thom
                    This is the story of my life.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Clutch View Post
                      Druids are restricted to non metal armors for now, which means they are pretty much only able to get Hide Armor ( 3 AC was it ? ). Ironwood will come in as minion Elka stated.
                      Hi, does this mean I can't wear studded leather? I do at the moment but if it isn't allowed I'll change.


                      Zeb, Follower of Gwaeron


                      • #12
                        As far as I know, studded leather is allowed for a druid. You could even rp that it was studded with shells or bones or rocks or something . Some clarification would be nice.

                        I like the hide armor myself, even though the studded leather is better in pretty much every way. Just seems to make better sense. Ironwood should be interesting. Ultumately, though, I'd rather run around in pelts than in a wooden breastplate.

                        One thing I've never understood is why druids are allowed to use metal weapons (dagger, sickle, scimitar). I have heard the justification that scimitars and sickles have a 'divine' shape, as they mimic the moon. Don't know; seems a little weak to me.

                        Depending on the setting, a DM could allow druidic sects who do not follow the same dogma reguarding metal armor as your garden variety druid (pun intended). It is not up to me, but if I were DM-ing a pnp game, I'd tell the player to pipe down and go put on his leathers.

                        I've been just avoiding ALL metal items with my druid. Anything like belt buckles or whatnot I think of as being made of bone. Makes it much more fun for me that way. Besides, the armor restrictions were included in D&D to help balance the class. That they have been left out or changed only strengthens the CoDzilla/overpowered-druid argument against this divine class.


                        • #13
                          I've been wearing studded, too. As far as the weapons go, I don't really understand. I think I read somewhere that it was, again, more of a balancing issue than a RP one. I would totally use a "bone-tipped" spear for the rest of my days if I could find one that wasn't so boring. I just love the visual effects some of the weapons have, I don't even care about what damage they do, hehehehehe. I would be happy with "+0 spear of sparkle" - anyone have one of those for sale?
                          -Player of Druid Rosalyn Leafall
                          and Bard Ancora Dallenson-

                          Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
                          --John Alexander Thom
                          This is the story of my life.


                          • #14
                            Good points there. Weapon wise I use a staff, as I'm an old duffer...Metal weapons I don't see as a problem - druids are pretty limited anyway...myself I'd like to use a good knife (not a dagger!) as that seems most useful from a wilderness front and I see Zeb as preferring to fight and travel in animal form.
                            WHich raises another question...off topic! Can druids speak in their wildforms (if they have natural spell feat or regardless)?


                            • #15
                              Personally, I never let my druid characters speak while shapechanged. It just seems well. . . unnatural, lol. Then again a bear calling lightning from the heavens is a little wierd, too. I'm torn on taking this feat. I've been putting it off until I know a little more about how other players and dm's feel about it.
                              -Player of Druid Rosalyn Leafall
                              and Bard Ancora Dallenson-

                              Afterism (n) - A concise, clever statement you don't think of until too late.
                              --John Alexander Thom
                              This is the story of my life.

