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Knowledge Feats

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  • Knowledge Feats

    I have some questions about how Knowledge Feats work and are used. How does one get the training that the description says is necessary? How is a feat actually used?

    For example, I have 5 ranks in Knowledge:Arcana. I want to decipher some Cryptic Notes. The feat description makes me think that this is the feat necessary, but I have done no training in this feat and cannot figure out how to apply the feat to attempt to read the notes.

    I've tried running searches on the Wiki and the Forums without much luck.
    Tery Mard

  • #2
    Not sure if you mean skills?

    Decipher text if its mundane & Knowledge arcana would probably be applicable if its magical in nature.
    Originally posted by roguethree
    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


    • #3
      It takes Dicipher script in order to determine the Nature of the Cryptic note, and if it turns out that its magical in nature (i.e. Enchantment or imbuement) then you would need to proceed with the Knowledge: Arcana check.

      Also one thing to remember is that these cryptic notes are not always able to be deciphered by you everytime, they could have been written in one of the many languages we have availible, and you may not know the right language to read them.

      I learned all this from trial and error and thankfully was finally pitied by DM Corni (now DEV I believe).


      All is Fair in Love and RP ~ Mixicatia

      Player ID: Mixicatia

      Sari ~ Black Clad Sneak
      Anzhela Novikov ~ Follower of Bahamut
      Silana Flows ~ Pyro Red Wizard
      Mixicatia Underfoot ~ Circus Acrobat/Dancer
      Cytheria ~ Sexy Confused Blood Sucker
      Ashilan'ka ~ Natural Hot Head


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thief Of Navarre View Post
        Not sure if you mean skills?

        Decipher text if its mundane & Knowledge arcana would probably be applicable if its magical in nature.
        You're right - skills. Sorry.
        Tery Mard


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jonel View Post
          It takes Dicipher script in order to determine the Nature of the Cryptic note, and if it turns out that its magical in nature (i.e. Enchantment or imbuement) then you would need to proceed with the Knowledge: Arcana check.

          Also one thing to remember is that these cryptic notes are not always able to be deciphered by you everytime, they could have been written in one of the many languages we have availible, and you may not know the right language to read them.

          I learned all this from trial and error and thankfully was finally pitied by DM Corni (now DEV I believe).


          Thanks. Oh well, maybe those skill points I used on K:A will be useful somewhere else.

          Can I do the stuff myself, or do I need a DM to set up and run checks?
          Tery Mard


          • #6
            You can decipher them all yourself, or have other players do it. But if you fail in that you can always petition a DM for help, and hopefully find one that is willing (or has the time to help).

            Good luck,

            All is Fair in Love and RP ~ Mixicatia

            Player ID: Mixicatia

            Sari ~ Black Clad Sneak
            Anzhela Novikov ~ Follower of Bahamut
            Silana Flows ~ Pyro Red Wizard
            Mixicatia Underfoot ~ Circus Acrobat/Dancer
            Cytheria ~ Sexy Confused Blood Sucker
            Ashilan'ka ~ Natural Hot Head


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jonel View Post
              You can decipher them all yourself, or have other players do it. But if you fail in that you can always petition a DM for help, and hopefully find one that is willing (or has the time to help).

              Good luck,

              Tery Mard


              • #8
                Select the Cryp. note, so it is in the target box, then open the skill die icon and select Descipher Script hit ROLL. Then repeat with Know arcana.

                There is no Feat for this task.

                Appraise works the same way. I can't think of any others off the top of my head.

                Oh wait diplomacy and bluff and intimidate you can target another player and force rolls.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DM_Acorn View Post
                  Select the Cryp. note, so it is in the target box, then open the skill die icon and select Descipher Script hit ROLL. Then repeat with Know arcana.

                  There is no Feat for this task.

                  Appraise works the same way. I can't think of any others off the top of my head.

                  Oh wait diplomacy and bluff and intimidate you can target another player and force rolls.
                  Thanks, Acorn.
                  Tery Mard

