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Warden Ranger Donation Timer

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  • Warden Ranger Donation Timer

    Howdy all,

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the Warden donation box in the ranger hall timer is based off of. Particularly the timer that says "due to recent donation....<yada yada>" and it doesn't give any more reputation.

    I waited about 12 hours and still could not donate (but I did just turn in a banner). Is the timer linked to the banner or just donations? Whats the amount of time I need to wait?

    Many Thanks,
    Active Characters:

    Roman Miellthorpe -- Crypt Carver
    Church -- Bastion priest of the 'tough order'
    Dutch -- Blacksmith
    Canus -- Of the Glade Tribe
    Gorri Blackbeard -- Dwarf Stout of the Legion

  • #2
    The timer is currently a fixed number of days which I won't explicitly disclose. We may change this to simply a fixed 'cap' where you can only reach a certain value through donating and after that nothing more.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      I personally like the idea of no cap on donations, but for lengths of time you must wait. Like you cant donate for XX days if you donate 25000 gold for 1600 rep. Like 2-3 weeks or something, so you cant be jumping up the ladder too fast.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Seheren View Post
        I personally like the idea of no cap on donations, but for lengths of time you must wait. Like you cant donate for XX days if you donate 25000 gold for 1600 rep. Like 2-3 weeks or something, so you cant be jumping up the ladder too fast.
        I like this one two. Unless you are going to make solid equipment available to the public, and the faction items bad ass!!
        Active Characters
        Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
        Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
        Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
        Dorin Hammond- Scout
        Seith Ronson- Master of War
        "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Seheren View Post
          I personally like the idea of no cap on donations, but for lengths of time you must wait. Like you cant donate for XX days if you donate 25000 gold for 1600 rep. Like 2-3 weeks or something, so you cant be jumping up the ladder too fast.
          25 k of gold??? who's your banker lol
          There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


          • #6
            Originally posted by Seheren View Post
            I personally like the idea of no cap on donations, but for lengths of time you must wait. Like you cant donate for XX days if you donate 25000 gold for 1600 rep. Like 2-3 weeks or something, so you cant be jumping up the ladder too fast.
            25 k of gold??? who's your banker lol serios i would like a head count on how many folks can make 25 k of gold and just give that away for rep.
            There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


            • #7
              If I am not mistaken, the sheer amount of people grinding and donating that kind of money are the reason for this change, and I agree. Jumping 3 ranks in a faction, over the course of a week or so, through constant grinding and no RP is pretty lame. However, being able to donate occasionally is something I don't want to see go away. As long as it cant be overly abused, which time limits help, I don't see a need for a hard cap.


              • #8
                I don't know about the grind but with the numbers being so low and the level between player so different..I would imagine the grind is accelerated just think about it. I was on for say 3 hours maybe more , I was searchable all the way heck you could follow me with ease and hook up to join me and explore other place. but guess what? I'm alone not by choice i mind you. Maybe its me maybe its just the way things goes. Hell I've stayed 6 hours fishing i kid you not and Donated all my characters fish to the poor several times.I never once went out of my way and bothered a Dm i figured actions like that when seen by other players is better than any renown you can pay for. Bah! like usual i get carried away eh fore me giving gold for renown is not a must for me.if they have to be changed
                to slow things down so be it. For me it wont change much because the characters i play thinks that actions speak louder than just a donation.
                There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vonjan View Post
                  I never once went out of my way and bothered a Dm
                  A common and quite depressing action...

                  What I love is when I log onto the server and people say "Hi! I've got this thing I want to do, can you help?" It's great! We can discuss it and build something out of it that will hopefully progress you and others down the path of RP funtimes.

                  It's a million times more rewarding than just hopping around the server until I find a group I can throw some generic monster-of-the-week at, and a good hundred or so times better than haranguing players into whatever shenanigans I've cooked up on my own.

                  Players making requests or trying to do things are NEVER bothering DMs - It's why we're here.

                  I'd rather the players come to the DMs and push their characters aims and ideas, than coming up with something I can shoe-horn whoever is around into.

                  Forum requests are one thing, but always speak to a DM ingame - We are there to work with you, not to use you as our playthings. We're not scary, we're not going to yell at you or do irrational things, and you're not bothering us - you're making things fun for us!
                  It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
                  Sydney Smith.


                  • #10
                    And then theres people like me who NEVER stop pestering the DM's especially Doubt :P

                    While Donateing sometimes is all well and good i still firmly believe that Rank increase and all that toddling should be done RP wise.




                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Doubtful View Post
                      A common and quite depressing action...

                      What I love is when I log onto the server and people say "Hi! I've got this thing I want to do, can you help?" It's great! We can discuss it and build something out of it that will hopefully progress you and others down the path of RP funtimes.

                      It's a million times more rewarding than just hopping around the server until I find a group I can throw some generic monster-of-the-week at, and a good hundred or so times better than haranguing players into whatever shenanigans I've cooked up on my own.

                      Players making requests or trying to do things are NEVER bothering DMs - It's why we're here.

                      I'd rather the players come to the DMs and push their characters aims and ideas, than coming up with something I can shoe-horn whoever is around into.

                      Forum requests are one thing, but always speak to a DM ingame - We are there to work with you, not to use you as our playthings. We're not scary, we're not going to yell at you or do irrational things, and you're not bothering us - you're making things fun for us!
                      This. A thousand time, this.

                      I love it when players come up with idea's for events, because frankly? We DM's only have so many cool plot ideas that spring from nothingness. There is nothing better than a player saying to a DM, "Hey, here's what I want to do. Can you help?"

                      90% of the time, it's doable.

                      So when you see a DM online, and they shout "Taking requests!", it means that they are available for you to pursue your character's ambitions. So do so.
                      "Use the Force, Harry" -Gandalf


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by [DM] Grinning Death View Post
                        So when you see a DM online, and they shout "Taking requests!", it means that they are available for you to pursue your character's ambitions. So do so.
                        *smacks self in head* Goddamm! I thought this meant, "Can you please turn PlayerX into a penguin for being an arse", or "I lost 200 gold on last reset, please refund" kinda stuff...

                        ...but seriously, I'm going to start asking for some things now. Thank you!

                        On a different note.. I RP roughly the same amount as I farm for banners. Rep gotten from RP = 20.... Rep gotten from banner farming = 1500... Umm I think that's a little skewed. Maybe I'm just not doing something right.
                        Active Characters:

                        Roman Miellthorpe -- Crypt Carver
                        Church -- Bastion priest of the 'tough order'
                        Dutch -- Blacksmith
                        Canus -- Of the Glade Tribe
                        Gorri Blackbeard -- Dwarf Stout of the Legion


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gorri View Post
                          I RP roughly the same amount as I farm for banners. Rep gotten from RP = 20.... Rep gotten from banner farming = 1500... Umm I think that's a little skewed. Maybe I'm just not doing something right.
                          IMO you aren't doing anything specifically right or wrong... For every "I only got 20 rep points for RP" story I suspect that are an equal number of stories from folks getting a lot more rep points for RP.

                          Case in point, my toon has about 2050 rep points for Arbiter's Alliance (he started with a 1,000 like everyone else). I can safely say he secured about 600 of those through role play and the balance securing banners.

                          To date I have not donated any gold towards my rep. Now granted my toon is nearly 17th level, but I would much rather secure rep points through DM events than grind 15 - 35 point banners any day.

                          Oh... my hat's off to you for having the stugots to secure 1,500 rep points banner grinding! That takes effort.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by [DM] Grinning Death View Post
                            This. A thousand time, this.

                            I love it when players come up with idea's for events, because frankly? We DM's only have so many cool plot ideas that spring from nothingness. There is nothing better than a player saying to a DM, "Hey, here's what I want to do. Can you help?"

                            90% of the time, it's doable.

                            So when you see a DM online, and they shout "Taking requests!", it means that they are available for you to pursue your character's ambitions. So do so.
                            Unless you are Seheren

                            Then you get to spend your night watching over your shoulder
                            Ursus Ahrahl: Vengeful Desert Warrior (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ursus_Ahrahl)
                            Zaphram Babblerocks: Silly Gnome Tinkerer
                            Ronon Darkholme: Eye and ear of the Night Watch of Kelemvor's Eternal Order (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...onon_Darkholme)
                            Jakomyn Moriarty: Misunderstood Calishite mage (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jakomyn_Moriarty)
                            Turin Greyhold: Ex-mercenary paladin of Torm (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...reyhold,_Turin)
                            Alexandros Pentacost: 1/2 Orc Cleric of the Red Knight
                            "Remember, Private..Friendly Fire is not a nice warm place you and your hippy buddies sit around at night toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya." --Me to one of my troops way back when

