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Quest items in barrels

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  • Quest items in barrels

    Hey i just wanted to know why some people are not turning in there quest items and then just putting it in a barrel its quite annoying .
    I suppose its easier just to come back and get a free item that gives 800 GP or so. its funny i usually make around the same just going around and killing monsters with other players or alone given the time i play.
    There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives

  • #2
    This has been mentioned before. Not taking quest items is an exploit.
    Originally posted by Cornuto
    Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


    • #3
      It's an exploit and people are not supposed to do that. They get to keep or sell all the other items the bosses drop over and over by not turning in the quest item.

      Though I have been known to loot barrels and drop excess goblin ears in them just to RP an attempt to freak out the goblins.


      • #4
        I think the goblins are already flipping out considering its open season on them for gold.

        but leaving the quest item in the barrel is just so frustrating. its bad enough i pick up stuff
        like fairy dust,diamond dust and silver dust to last me a lifetime the last thing i need is that.
        There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


        • #5
          Do this and get ALL your gear ganked by a DM! PERIOD! FULL STOP!

          If you know who is doing this or have a suspicion let us know. We can look up character wealth:time on server and we WILL know if they are farming bosses. It is quite obvious.

          Reminder finished.

          Side note: Ears/scales in barrels is cheeky but not an offense. Remember we have auto scripts for clean up and the best place for shite you don't want is the "trash barrels" not the ones the generate random loot. Though I am not even sure if stuffing something in a loot barrel effects the random-gen tables or not. That would be a DEVs area of expertise.


          • #6
            Do this and get ALL your gear ganked by a DM! PERIOD! FULL STOP!

            If you know who is doing this or have a suspicion let us know. We can look up character wealth:time on server and we WILL know if they are farming bosses. It is quite obvious.

            Reminder finished.

            Side note: Ears/scales in barrels is cheeky but not an offense. Remember we have auto scripts for clean up and the best place for shite you don't want is the "trash barrels" not the ones the generate random loot. Though I am not even sure if stuffing something in a loot barrel effects the random-gen tables or not. That would be a DEVs area of expertise.
            Last edited by DM_Acorn; 03-23-2011, 07:03 AM.


            • #7
              My tactic with the goblins was to just pick up every single ear to clear up the loot bags, then dump them all onto one goblin corpse, creating the impression of some kind of hundred-eared mutant goblin.

              It's listen score must be through the roof.
              Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
              "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


              • #8
                Originally posted by Root View Post
                My tactic with the goblins was to just pick up every single ear to clear up the loot bags, then dump them all onto one goblin corpse, creating the impression of some kind of hundred-eared mutant goblin.

                It's listen score must be through the roof.
                That's great! One of those things I wish I had thought of.


                • #9
                  Next Update: THE GOBLIN EAR GOLEM

                  Your move silently score stands no chance.

                  However, it might be distracted by the hundreds of level 3-6 adventurers swarming it.
                  Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
                  "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


                  • #10
                    This is generally a pain in the ass. First of all how do you drop them in the barrels? I somehow have two damn gnoll heads that I found in them and now I can't even drop them, oh and I have done the quest already. On the same note when it is someone else's quest to get the gnoll chief and you are helping DO NOT TAKE THE LOOT it was their quest and unless you had some agreed upon outcome for it don't take it. I can't stand having to tell people this while playing the game.
                    Anyway in the words of Forrest Gump "That's all I have to say about that"
                    Active Characters
                    Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
                    Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
                    Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
                    Dorin Hammond- Scout
                    Seith Ronson- Master of War
                    "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Jhickey View Post
                      This is generally a pain in the ass. First of all how do you drop them in the barrels? I somehow have two damn gnoll heads that I found in them and now I can't even drop them, oh and I have done the quest already. On the same note when it is someone else's quest to get the gnoll chief and you are helping DO NOT TAKE THE LOOT it was their quest and unless you had some agreed upon outcome for it don't take it. I can't stand having to tell people this while playing the game.
                      Anyway in the words of Forrest Gump "That's all I have to say about that"
                      There is no rule on somebody helping you and then them taking the loot. We support evil characters here. If this is something they are doing ooc then that could be a problem. For example: "I'm a paladin and all the loot is mine! Hahahaha!" does not fly and they might see themselves falling shortly. Take the time to discuss your partying plan and to get to know who you are traveling with (I know, easier said then done especially for low lvls).

                      Second, if you are seeing odd drops or drops that stick around in your inventory then please post a bug thread for a developer to address the issue. And a help request so a DM can try to take the item off your person.
                      "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams


                      • #12
                        I understand that there are evil people on the server I am looking out for the low levels that get very little except that of these early quest. If someone was going to try and steel from Alex at level 19 that is a different story that can be handled because more than likly they are veteran players. But at that low of a level and that person may be on the server for the first time. What kind of impression is that to them? I encourage evil all the time.
                        Active Characters
                        Hashart Datton- Marshal of the Black Hand
                        Oliver Ironhide- Guardian
                        Lynk Frost-Champion of Bane
                        Dorin Hammond- Scout
                        Seith Ronson- Master of War
                        "A system of morality which is based on relative emotional values is a mere illusion, a thoroughly vulgar conception which has nothing sound in it and nothing true."


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Atmosphere View Post
                          For example: "I'm a paladin and all the loot is mine! Hahahaha!" does not fly and they might see themselves falling shortly.
                          Not so much an evil act as a chaotic one. Nobody was harmed, just ripped off.

                          And if your allies are evil, then the Paladin could stand and say 'Right, now you've aided me in slaying these beasts, I'll take their weaponary so that it shan't be used for the evil I sense you'd use it for. Also I'll be killing you both now, since you were enjoying the suffering of these creatures far too much. SMITE.'

                          (Granted I'd still Fallen that Paladin, but only based on the deception of his evil allies, not smiting them.)
                          Running across the mountains, attacking with an oversized scalpel, cometh Helga Great-Wyrm! And she gives a mighty bellow:
                          "Brace yourself, oh human speck of dust! You are made of meat and I am very hungry!"


                          • #14
                            Well the problem I see in JH's rant is that folks can just click-grab something.

                            This is a potentially contested action and SHOULD be RPed. IC if possible once a quest item is grab I don't think it can be transferred. Though if they are winding up in barrels, hmmm.

                            Just grabing something with out *emote* and opportunity to react is very poor form. Please don't do this.


                            • #15
                              I would ask those that use barrels, please use the trash barrels instead of loot barrels. I am not sure about this, but I do believe, from my many years on this server, that when you put ears or a head or other trash in loot barrels or chests, it does change the spawn. It really sucks when you finally kill the bad guy and then go to the chest and all you get is some ears or a head.

                              However, I may be wrong and maybe it doesn't change the loot at all?

