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Animate Dead Question

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  • Animate Dead Question

    I have a 5 wizard/3 Pale master...but the skeleton that my character summons has not gained any power, similar to the wizard's familiar. Will it ever gain power (Maybe every other level) Or could you be a level 15 pale master with a 6 hp skeleton?

    Pycroft Aura
    Ewan Rice

  • #2
    As per the animate dead spell, the skeleton you summon will become powerful in increments, not by each level. You will start summoning a skeleton warrior soon, I believe.


    • #3
      Answering in a different way, no, the creature you summon won't get more hps, better AC or anything. The kind of creature you summon will change, tho. Next it will be a zombie, then later it will be a skeleton warrior.

      PS: It's valid to point out they all are all-around sucking. The skeleton warrior has 21 hps, for exemple.
      Ashley, the social chameleon.


      Lockindal: "All PVP is an epeen fight."


      • #4
        Pale Master

        I know that Pale Master is not a very powerful class compared to a straight wizard *For example* I am playing it for strictly role playing reasons.

        Hopefully it pans out

        Ewan Aura


        • #5
          I think it's a common misconception to think of Pale MAsters as necromancers.

          Basically Pale Master means you turn yourself partially undead. A straight up necromancer is stronger in that sense. However, a Pale Master's body is deadlier than a necromancers. A weapon master I can't one shot a level 10 pale master in most cases but wizards have to worry.

