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Question about Necromatic Animation/creation & Warlock's

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Xym View Post
    Can we use any of these spells outside of town and stay within the law?
    And to answer your question, yes, but let me explain.

    Outside of town is outside of the law. That's like asking "Is it illegal to be a goblin and kill adventurers who come into your lair?" Well, it's Goblin territory, so I guess the Goblin's make the law there. If Sundren soldiers come in and wipe the place of Goblins and declare it Sundren territory, then I guess it would be illegal to be a Goblin and killing adventurers


    • #32

      This is what commoners think of adventurers. ^_^
      Adama who was once called Adama Hrakness, sacred paw of Mielikki

      Lihana Farrier, Paladin of Torm and noble dalliance

      On Hold: Alandriel Ward, Actually a Vampire Groupie
      Retired for Good: Tamryn Jorandur, Hano's Wife and Conflicted Soul


      • #33
        I don't know who you are... but I like you already.

        Originally posted by Haroshia View Post
        What's a warlock? Oh they get their power from demons do they...wow that sucks for them. Surely all warlocks are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a barbarian? Oh they get their power from giving in to feelings of rage and hate and slaughtering mindlessly? Surely all barbarians are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a fighter? Oh they get their power from endless training and devotion to themselves and studying the art of killing. A person built totally around causing harm to others? Surely all fighters are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a rogue? Oh they make their living by learning how to open people's doors, pick their pockets, and stab them in the back. Surely all rogues are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a sorceror? Oh they get their power from the blood of dragons, and sometimes cast spells with no control? Many of them begin to manifest traits of evil red dragons? Surely all sorcerors are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a bard? They cloud and manipulate the minds of others and twist around words to make them do things for them? Not only that but they ALSO get powers from evil red dragons? Surely all bards are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a mage? They often have no moral compass, and dabble in powers they can barely understand or control, and sometimes they summon demons and channel dark energies. Surely all mages are totally evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a cleric? Many of them gain power from dark or bloodthirsty gods, and use this power to carry on their god's wishes, even if it is a vile god. Surely all clerics are evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a paladin? People so devoted to crusading that they sometimes kill the young and helpless they refer to as "vile". They even crusade so much against their idea of "evil" that more people suffer for it. Surely all paladins are evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a monk? Devotees to such rigid order and sometimes even evil gods, that enjoy crushing things with their bare hands. Surely all monks are evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a ranger? A nature loving, city person hating, enemy of civilization. Rangers revel in tearing down society's structure and would rather save a wolf than a human. Surely all rangers are evil and should be killed on sight.

        What's a druid? A morally ambiguous devotee to nature who would save 1 kitten over 100 humans. Treelovers who ignore the fact that they're not trees. Surely all druids are evil and should be killed on sight.

        THERE! Now do I win at the steriotyping the class as evil game?

        Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
        "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
        Eldraxus Tzyvioq
        Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...


        • #34
          Originally posted by Grigori View Post
          Could the dark magic not flow through a bloodline through a very ancient pact made that the warlock had no control over but benefits and suffers from?
          Thats basically how my sun elf warlock has his power, but only one person ig knows about it and thats another warlock.


          • #35
            Can I just note, very quickly, that to say there's only wizards, sorcerers and warlocks capable of casting destructive spells is all wrong. Even including clerics, druids, blackguards, etc. you're still missing out classes that exist in the world but not in the game, e.g. wu-jen, shadow weave spellcasters, etc.

            Originally posted by Raksha View Post

            This is what commoners think of adventurers. ^_^
            I love the way the tumble weed has a 12gp tag on it
            "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"


            • #36
              Originally posted by Grigori View Post
              Just because you can recognise arcane spells doesnt mean you recognise all other types of magic be it divine or infernal. So, your character is prejudice against all warlocks without finding out whether or not they are a destructive bastard or have some other sort of plans in place? That's all fine and dandy... but it doesn't explain the assumptions and the rulemongering being thrown around.
              Yes, Vicho is a ruthless bastard hypocrite. He doesn't care to get to know your character before judging him.

              That's who he is; seriously.

              You have to understand, the fine line between metagaming and in character assumption is a thin one... and honestly, if you had roleplayed out with logical reasoning why you decided to label me as such, or had even tried to be subtle about it, I may have not reacted the way I did... it's the casual way the labels are being thrown around that annoys the ever living you know what out of me... and it's getting old... Honestly, I fight with my hand-weapons more than I fight with my eldritch blasts... I have just as many fighter levels as I do warlock levels... so, I fail to see how one could casually throw around labels..
              Oh, now you're insulting me, calling me a bad roleplayer? You should watch that. Being an ass about an admittedly slight overstep on my part is far worse than Vicho calling your character a warlock (even though I still think Vicho had good reason).

              EDIT: I don't mean to insult you or anything, in return: I'm just saying that other people aren't as level-headed as I am. Be careful.
              Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


              • #37
                I never said you were a bad roleplayer as a blanket statement. I referred to the choices you made in this particular situation as being, in my apparently left-wing opinion, bad... and I did not single you out in my original concern. I addressed the community. Somewhere in there you took something I said personally and it has escalated into much more between two individuals than it should have. I meant to address the entire community and I did.

                If I didn't have plans for this character and the community as a whole as it relates to certain things, I would probably have him deleted because honestly, if a character becomes a disappointment to play because of the way the community auto-reacts to certain things, then it's not worth playing at all. Of course, if I played a zealot paladin I would probably get similar reactions of disdain as well...

                Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
                "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
                Eldraxus Tzyvioq
                Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...

