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Lore Checks on Language

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  • Lore Checks on Language

    There used to be lore checks to understand what the person was saying on a language.. that was really annoying, but what about having lore checks to just recgonize what language is being spoken? not understanding the words, just if its elven, orcish, draconic, ect.

  • #2
    The lore checks are still there, they just were raised a lot. I can't remember what GodBeast set them at. I think they were increased in difficulty by about 10.
    The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

    George Carlin


    • #3
      oh, lol.. I didn't know that, Ive never gotten a passed lore check.


      • #4
        With gear Garion has a lore skill of 20 and i have never passed a check since the changes were made. Just bad luck?
        Garion Redwind- Elitist Wizard
        Rake- The one-eyed Scout
        Two wrongs dont make a right, but three lefts do!


        • #5
          yah, i have like 14 lore and i havent passed a check either.

