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December RPoTM Winners!

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  • December RPoTM Winners!

    Congratulations to the following winners of December's RPoTM voting. See a DM in-game to claim your fabulous prizes:

    Winner: Emiliana Blackwell
    (Now ineligible for 1yr)
    ... marvelous Role-Play ...
    ... amazing job at always staying in character, and has a wonderfully deep character ...
    ... endlessly fun RP ...

    Runner Up: Darius Blackwell

    ... continuing to role play a consistently fun and interesting Paladin, and breaking the mold ...
    ... steady in his interactions, and always a guarantee for top-notch RP. The character shows clear development ...
    ... consistently in-character, plays up character concept ...

    Winners will receive:
    --250 XP per level
    --1000 reputation in their faction
    --1 custom appearance for an existing item
    --A level cap increase for the character of their choice (Current Cap 5-10, increase to 12; Current cap 11+, increase to 16)
    --Eligibility to apply for a locked race or RPOTM-only class
    Runners Up will receive:
    --250XP per level
    --1000 reputation in their faction
    --A level cap increase for the character of their choice (to 12 max)
    Originally posted by Saulus
    Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.

  • #2
    Originally posted by ThePaganKing
    So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


    • #3
      Johanna Patson:"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
      (Original quote by Dale Carnegie)
      Krystl - Undefeatable

      Ranahlee: Perpetually Perplexed.

      Sylvain Enoic: Young paladin of Tyr.
      Stalking on the mountains, clutching a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Sypthe! And they give a vengeful bellow:"I'm going to hump you so thoroughly, you will drink poison and piss honey!"


      • #4
        Congrats to both of you!
        Originally posted by Satoshi
        Boobs > You. Cornuto: 0 Cat: 1
        Originally posted by Cornuto
        Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


        • #5
          Congratulations to the both of you. Very well deserved. =)
          The poetry that comes from the squaring off between;
          and the circling is worth it, finding beauty in the dissonance.


          • #6
            gratz you two!


            • #7
              Thank you! Thank you! Goodness, I am not sure what else to say! Wow! I truly enjoy roleplaying Emiliana, but it takes all the other talented roleplayers and staff members to cause situations to which she can react. Muchlove for the playerbase and staff!

              Thank you to everyone who voted (in general - not just for me!) I look forward to more interactions with all of you.

              And I think it is super awesome that I get to share this honor with my RL sweetheart. <3


              • #8
                Congratulations to the both of you, it's well deserved!
                James Arrow: Potion Vendor


                • #9
                  Well done everybody!
                  "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams


                  • #10
                    Gratz! Well deserved.


                    • #11
                      "Was I your knight in shining armor? The apple of your eye? Or just a step, another step to climb?"


                      • #12

                        You truly deserve it.

                        Catalina Blake - "The Ravenblood story." -http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15666

                        Thalassia Lilithiana - "Daughter of Colibrus." - http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15822


                        • #13
                          Congrats guys, amazing work from both of you!
                          I am death, come for thee. Surrender, and thy passage shall be... quicker.


                          • #14
                            Thank you everyone, for the votes of confidence, kind remarks, and for all the fun and enjoyment you've provided for me as we've gamed together. We both have had such a blast and good time gaming with everyone and the community has been nothing but kind, active, and helpful.

                            Thank you again for all the good times and to many more to come.
                            "Its not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." -Eliza

                            AKA YourMoveHolyMan ingame

                            Darius Blackwell - Sword of Torm


                            • #15
                              You two clearly come together ingame! Its been interesting RPing with you despite the fact that my characters regularly find themselves as the wrong end of the alignment spectrum!

                              Ill play a good guy one day!
                              Originally posted by roguethree
                              If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

