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I'm amazed

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  • I'm amazed

    I'm a new player, and I'd been waiting a few days to try Sundren out in hopes of finding a home. My plan is to roleplay as somewhat of a highwayman/Thief for Hire, and while have trouble with the autodownloader I plotted out my character. This may be old hat to others but I was blown away by all the custom options in skills/feats. My old plans are out the door just because some of the feats and skills are so perfect for the roleplay I envision for the character. Not to mention when I am finally done creating the character and I step into this amazing world. Kudos and thanks!

  • #2
    The devs do it all for the players Glad you enjoy it.


    • #3
      Playing a highwayman is great fun, as you get higher level you can go from small scale theft to grand plots with your increased skills and special abilities. Most players can appreciate a good thief

      p.s. Gnome!
      Originally posted by roguethree
      If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thief Of Navarre View Post
        p.s. Gnome!
        And we have a winner! Awooooooooga!
        I am death, come for thee. Surrender, and thy passage shall be... quicker.


        • #5
          I loves gnomes. Got 2 running at the moment on the server.

          And yeah...Sundren is a pretty kick-ass world with lotsa cool devs making it all happen.
          Ursus Ahrahl: Vengeful Desert Warrior (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Ursus_Ahrahl)
          Zaphram Babblerocks: Silly Gnome Tinkerer
          Ronon Darkholme: Eye and ear of the Night Watch of Kelemvor's Eternal Order (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...onon_Darkholme)
          Jakomyn Moriarty: Misunderstood Calishite mage (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.php?title=Jakomyn_Moriarty)
          Turin Greyhold: Ex-mercenary paladin of Torm (http://www.sundren.org/wiki/index.ph...reyhold,_Turin)
          Alexandros Pentacost: 1/2 Orc Cleric of the Red Knight
          "Remember, Private..Friendly Fire is not a nice warm place you and your hippy buddies sit around at night toasting marshmallows and singing Kumbaya." --Me to one of my troops way back when

