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Rp question

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  • Rp question

    Im fairly well versed in rp or at least i like to think i am XD

    but, im curious would a man who is strict from a land of stricterness be chaotic if he is following his own customs but breaking the law of the current land?

  • #2
    I have a character that folows his own laws, he is lawful to his god and does what he knows is right , but to others sometimes he seems chaotic. Personally i think characters that follow a set of laws perhaps by their gods or other countries keeps them lawful.

    At the moment i am watching a certain tv show, in other countries its illigal , while i may not be in that country , its still illigal somewhere in the world does that make me chaotic?

    and now back to my drunken randomness of no clueity!
    Favorite quote : "Lets see..if they were children, Cirion would be pulling mara's pigtails , Os would be drawling on walls and Grom would be playing with matches."


    • #3
      I'd say, if part of your ethos is following the laws of the land that you are currently in, then you're being Chaotic, but since that isn't part of your vows or pattern of lawfulness, then I don't see it being Chaotic.

      I had a lot of problems getting people to realize that just because I was helping people that were doing choatic things at times didn't mean that I was chaotic; if I made the initial decision, I was, but otherwise, I was following the laws laid down by my characters god. If people were in need of help, and they asked for it because they would or were in need of helping them with their Burdens (Ilmatari) then she helped.

      Following a code is just as lawful, or sometimes more so than following the laws of the land.
      Bree - Bookkeeper and diplomat of Exigo.

      Becky Dragonhin - Sword of the Loyal Fury, Knight of the Triad... the only Good hin in Sundren???
      Cybil Gelley (Retired)
      Perry Turnipfodder - aspiring talent, happy chronicler.


      • #4
        Im gonna go out and say that its more of a lawful thing. Lawful does not mean that you follow the laws to an exstent. Paladins are lawful but they do not have to agree with and follow every law of the land they travel in. Well some dont.
        Bram Drismon: Sundrens Centurio



        • #5
          The Lawful part of the alignment has NOTHING to do with the laws of the land.

          It's a bloody terrible bit of naming on that part of the axis. It's more of an axis of whimsy.
          It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can only do a little - Do what you can.
          Sydney Smith.


          • #6
            I would recommend you conduct a search of the forum. If I am not mistaken, there was an excellent piece that one of the DM's referenced that discussed the nuance of alignment. I found the read well worth the time.

            As you already know being well versed in role play... as you role play your character in accordance with its alignment, there will be others who will be doing the same. So if you break the laws of Sundren (as an example) be prepared for dynamic interaction with your fellow players. Some take their alignment and their role play very serious, which has consequences for the ill prepared. This is why I like this server so much.



            • #7
              Urithrand wrote a piece about the meaning if Lawful as an alignment a few years back.

              I am death, come for thee. Surrender, and thy passage shall be... quicker.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Doubtful View Post
                It's more of an axis of whimsy.

                This. Perfect example would be members of the Amn guild.
                Originally posted by ThePaganKing
                So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


                • #9
                  I play a few Chars here and there, I'll be honest and say i suck at rp..nothing perfect and typing in the dark can get you in trouble.but i do my best to make it interesting the story of my different characters are made on the fly except one witch demands alot.
                  I even wonder with my main character whats his true alignment so i guess i wing it.
                  at any rate i would like to say thanks to the experience cats in game with an old player like me.
                  There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


                  • #10
                    I play a few Chars here and there, I'll be honest and say i suck at rp..nothing perfect and typing in the dark can get you in trouble.but i do my best to make it interesting, the story of my different characters are made on the fly except one witch demands alot.
                    I even wonder with my main character whats his true alignment so i guess i wing it.
                    at any rate i would like to say thanks to the experience cats in game with an old player like me.
                    There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


                    • #11
                      Dwarves are a perfect example of how the alignment system doesnt work.
                      They get drunk, they brawl... but they are still of lawful alignment because thats what dwarven society is like! They would be berated for their ways elsewhere but they are upstanding people in their own way.

                      Same way the D&D system makes one person a paladin and another of an opposing faith a blackguard yet they are both just unto themselves. Both feel they are doing right yet D&D states that one murdering paladin is lawfull good and the other lawfull evil ~ Go figure!
                      When deities arnt involved and paladins/monks follow a code of conduct instead the lines become even more blurred.
                      Originally posted by roguethree
                      If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

