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Northlands Dice

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  • Northlands Dice

    I've played a few impromptu games of Dice in the taverns with several players lately and it has been a nice little diversion that leads to some interesting, if not profound RP. Which is a nice change of pace from the 'we have to save the land and promote the global dominion of (insert god, philosopy or whatever).

    Anyway, I figured I'd post the very simple and intuitive rules here as anyone spending any time in a Tavern in Sundren could have picked them up by now.


    Northland Dice Rules (2 players):

    Both players agree on an ante

    Each player rolls 2d6 from the DMFI tool

    High roll wins the pot

    If a tie, both players re-ante, doubling the pot and roll again.

    To 'cheat' at dice you roll a sleight of hand check versus spot check of any players or even bystanders to the game.

    If successful the 'cheater' adds 2 to their 2d6 roll.

    It is up to any players that spot the cheat how they want to RP it out.

    (for 3 or more players)

    same basic rules. Only change would be that if 2 or more players tie for high roll, the 3rd and any other players who rolled less are out of that pot until someone wins it and all players re-ante.

    Have fun and feel free to hit up Hrothgar for a game anytime! He is the most fun type of gambler, one who really believes that there is skill and strategy to completely random games of chance!
    ~Hrothgar Ragnarsson - Warrior and Sailor from the frozen North.

  • #2
    Heh.. I did enjoy that game of dice with Hrothgar.. even though I cheated all the time, and still only tied =P
    Current Characters:
    Abbot Keagan Deverall

    Past Characters:
    Drashan Farsight

    The reason why I post like a mad man:


    • #3
      Yeah I had fun playing it with you two, good old elven luck let be break even agasint the cheater


      • #4
        what if the cheater rolls a twelve.

        "Oh look I got a fourteen. Beat that!"
        Jaggath Tharn, Better Than Sex.

        Lenier Miloan, Totally a Tormtar.


        • #5
          Oh, I remember playing with you. Yeah, I sucked...
          Anyways, yeah, it's fun. We need to find more IC games, they're a blast to play...
          >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

          Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
          ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


          • #6
            maybe... -2 it? *Shrug.*


            • #7
              Originally posted by Abyss View Post
              Oh, I remember playing with you. Yeah, I sucked...
              Anyways, yeah, it's fun. We need to find more IC games, they're a blast to play...
              Run from the goblin. Few easy steps:

              1. Go semi naked, underwear only.

              2. Walk to a gob

              3. Taunt him in any way possible

              4. See how long you can run from it.

              Great fun, only advisable with sane gnomes.
              Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

              Desmonia Flashir

              GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


              • #8
                There are no sane gnomes...
                >Olin Lavith - Human scholar with a passion for knowledge.

                Don't change the color to match the walls. Look like you belong and the walls will change color to match you.
                ?Kender Proverb, Time of the Twins


                • #9
                  Gnome? Sane? That takes out all the fun of being a gnome!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Stratigo View Post
                    what if the cheater rolls a twelve.

                    "Oh look I got a fourteen. Beat that!"
                    A 12 would obviously be the highest roll you can get, even with cheating unless something paranormal is going on (spell, Godly intervention, DM, etc.)
                    ~Hrothgar Ragnarsson - Warrior and Sailor from the frozen North.


                    • #11
                      I object, Drago is very sane.

