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NWNVault Rating

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  • NWNVault Rating

    Just thought you guys would like to know:

    TOP Gameworlds

    1) Dasaria II by Dasaria Development Team
    Score: 10.00
    2) The Frontier by AcidTest
    Score: 9.90
    3) Skullport by Laurna
    Score: 9.82
    4) Sundren by Saul Mursadus
    Score: 9.78
    5) Abyssya by Illuminatus
    Score: 9.61
    6) Lands of Algia by The Algian DMs
    Score: 9.60
    7) El Norte, la Frontera Salvaje by Dagget
    Score: 9.58
    8) Aythor: Elderland Colonies by Tin Can
    Score: 9.44
    9) Redemption by RDImp
    Score: 9.27
    10) ALFA by Admin
    Score: 7.98

    Now, if you have not gone to the Vault to vote, get your fingers clickin' and your brain tickin' and vote for your homeworld folks!!!

    Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
    "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
    Eldraxus Tzyvioq
    Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...

  • #2
    That voting system fairly ridiculous. Unless you vote a perfect 10 the rating on sundren will go down. I doubt any server is perfect at this time. Of course one can vote on what you believe the product will be finished.


    • #3
      Well at least bumped it up to 9.79 Sundren is great!
      Active Characters:
      Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

      Silivren Anar
      Merka Gillina

      Hideing outs:
      Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
      Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


      • #4
        9.79? We can do better than that!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rhazeal View Post
          9.79? We can do better than that!
          I know but people need to get out and vote! We only need .04 more to at least take over the third spots. Its really easy to sign up, so no excuses :P
          Active Characters:
          Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

          Silivren Anar
          Merka Gillina

          Hideing outs:
          Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
          Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


          • #6
            I've never judged the server I wished to attend by the rating slapped onto it by a completely open rating system, personally.


            • #7
              I didn't vote. Popularity isn't my thing. I just do what I like to do and if people like it, all the better.

              NWN2 is dying so who really cares Too buggy to enjoy to it's fullest.


              • #8
                Well we're in spot 4 again.
                The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                George Carlin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                  I didn't vote. Popularity isn't my thing. I just do what I like to do and if people like it, all the better.

                  NWN2 is dying so who really cares Too buggy to enjoy to it's fullest.
                  Dying? Actually I think PWs are breathing life back into it... an expansion would give it a shot of adrenaline too... or at least add all the content that the expansion should make available.

                  Maleficus "Ravenor" Carnificis
                  "Dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. I can sense your ripeness and, oddly enough, it is time for the harvest. Please, save your tears... I intend to reap your sorrow slowly and have ages to discover the things that make you suffer... I am eager to revel in the sweet melody of your screams and the melancholy of your despair..."
                  Eldraxus Tzyvioq
                  Mystic Theurge (and Harper) of Deneir wandering the Sundered Valley in search of (and with the intention of mapping out) places of power, ley-line intersections, and other locations where the divine and arcane intersect...


                  • #10
                    Simply fixing crashing on zoning and loading would double the online player count.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GodBeastX View Post
                      Simply fixing crashing on zoning and loading would double the online player count.
                      ...and add the simple small things from NWN 1 that they removed *sighs* How hard can it be to let the character sit for crying out loud. I want to be able to sit on a chair lol.

                      The strange thing is that I have rarely crashed on zoning / loading. It is like a 1 every 30 times or something. Do they even know what is causing it?

                      Sorry for being semi-off topic there.

                      Personally I didn't bother vote. I do my part pestering my friends to join instead *grins*
                      Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

                      I can hear what you're thinking,
                      All your doubts and fears,
                      And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
                      The reason I'm here.


                      • #12
                        Didn't bother voting! Jeez for something that's free it doesn't seem like a lot to ask for our work.
                        The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                        George Carlin


                        • #13
                          Why is Frontier so popular, don't people have eyes anymore?!?!?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Saulus Mursadus View Post
                            Didn't bother voting! Jeez for something that's free it doesn't seem like a lot to ask for our work.
                            *grins* I have dragged 3 friends in here. I regard that as just as well
                            Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

                            I can hear what you're thinking,
                            All your doubts and fears,
                            And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
                            The reason I'm here.


                            • #15
                              hmms...please remember peoples that rateing anything lower than 10 brings our rateing down. I know hard to give a 10 for anything according to their rateing system but if you cant might be better not to vote. As we would have been back in 3rd but Sundren players lowered our rateings to keep us in 4th.
                              Active Characters:
                              Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

                              Silivren Anar
                              Merka Gillina

                              Hideing outs:
                              Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
                              Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!

