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Server down? 12/2/10 12:43PM GMT-5

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  • Server down? 12/2/10 12:43PM GMT-5

    Can't log in. Looks like it's down. Anyone else?

  • #2
    YourMoveHolyMan, Sypthe, and Stratigo cannot gain access either. They're all in the GameSpy chatroom at the moment. Direct Connect does not appear to work, either.


    • #3
      Ha! Get day jobs, slackers.
      Originally posted by Cornuto
      Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


      • #4
        I have one. I'm on a short break before I work until 7 :P.


        • #5
          Also having problems updating the module for toolset work..

          So yeah, seems like a server failure, not just the hosting of the module on Gamespy.


          • #6
            Twas an explosion of server proportions in the wee hours of the morn. Has any gained access to it between then and now>
            Jaggath Tharn, Better Than Sex.

            Lenier Miloan, Totally a Tormtar.


            • #7
              Good time to do some writing.
              "You're only given one little spark of madness. You mustn't lose it." - Robin Williams


              • #8
                It is back up!

                ...is it me, or are there more benches at Second Wind?
                Johanna Patson:"Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare."
                (Original quote by Dale Carnegie)
                Krystl - Undefeatable

                Ranahlee: Perpetually Perplexed.

                Sylvain Enoic: Young paladin of Tyr.
                Stalking on the mountains, clutching a jeweled meat hammer, cometh Sypthe! And they give a vengeful bellow:"I'm going to hump you so thoroughly, you will drink poison and piss honey!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Atmosphere View Post
                  Good time to do some writing.
                  Tis perhaps the truth. I am sure if I dig enough I could find my grand epic of Jaggath and continue writing about a character long gone that I have attachment issues with!
                  Jaggath Tharn, Better Than Sex.

                  Lenier Miloan, Totally a Tormtar.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Atmosphere View Post
                    Good time to do some writing.
                    Writing is exactly what I am doing right now!


                    • #11
                      Its back up!
                      "Its not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." -Eliza

                      AKA YourMoveHolyMan ingame

                      Darius Blackwell - Sword of Torm

