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Stonefire Greatsword

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  • Stonefire Greatsword

    So I'm looking for a cool greatsword to use as a good cutting damage weapon for grag and I climb this big mountain with him and a friend and we find ourselves in Whurest purusing their wares. They've got a few decent weapons up there, the stonefire battleaxe is pretty cool.

    The stonefire Great sword (+1 enhancement, +1 fire, +1d4 fire vs. orcs) lists corps de grace (or martyrs, or whatever they're called again, I'm horrible at remembering faction names) reputation requirement - neophyte.

    Most faction weapons and stuff I'm familiar with state their requisites for rep on the top of the item description in bold red letters so I'm inclined to think this rogue line of text is an unintended bug, but I figured I'd check to make sure before dumping 7K on a cool looking sword that in theory I could kill trolls with.

    Sort of but sort of not Unrelated note: Sundren seems to lack an obligatory level 9-12 troll den. I find our lack of trolls... disturbing. Either that or I need to explore more.

  • #2
    I was actually considering making a troll den to get a steady supply of troll-blood to the server.
    Originally posted by Saulus
    Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Twisted-Indoctrine
      Sort of but sort of not Unrelated note: Sundren seems to lack an obligatory level 9-12 troll den. I find our lack of trolls... disturbing. Either that or I need to explore more.
      Really? Did you check the forum? It is full of them!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Maevan2 View Post
        Really? Did you check the forum? It is full of them!

        Zing! (Count it)
        Originally posted by Saulus
        Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Maevan2 View Post
          Really? Did you check the forum? It is full of them!

          I know but hunting them down with swords and fire is tricky and illegal... Damn proxies and laws.

          Any players out there taken the plunge and tried buying the greatsword, I'd like to know if the line on the item is in fact intentional and does come into play or if, as I suspect, it's just there. Like some of the other items I've seen with wierd inapplicable discriptions.

          Cloak of the dire bear: "Dire bears are ya da ya da, mythical encyclopedia excerpt." Great... what's the cloak look like? Heh.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Twisted-Indoctrine View Post
            I know but hunting them down with swords and fire is tricky and illegal... Damn proxies and laws.

            Any players out there taken the plunge and tried buying the greatsword, I'd like to know if the line on the item is in fact intentional and does come into play or if, as I suspect, it's just there. Like some of the other items I've seen with wierd inapplicable discriptions.

            Cloak of the dire bear: "Dire bears are ya da ya da, mythical encyclopedia excerpt." Great... what's the cloak look like? Heh.
            Would be nice if it looked like a Dire bear draped over your back. :S
            Originally posted by roguethree
            If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Twisted-Indoctrine View Post
              Any players out there taken the plunge and tried buying the greatsword, I'd like to know if the line on the item is in fact intentional and does come into play or if, as I suspect, it's just there.
              The item appears to be an exact copy of a faction item for sale in the Corps de Grace private store. I would assume it is, indeed, genuine.

              It's puzzling placement in the Whurest store is another matter. Perhaps Cirion didn't pay for his last batch of dwarven weapons and Whurest is trying to make up for their losses?

              It has been reported in the Bug section.

