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Bone to Pick about Rp and Death

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  • Bone to Pick about Rp and Death

    If you have the ability to Rp and partake in the killing and rp things going on around you, and you recieve a message OOC that your body has been captured, Dont be lame and break the RP of 4 people who have your body and are trying to figure out what to do with you, and respawn using the game timer just because you dont feel like getting captured after attacking an entire group of people.

    You made the situation Really ackwards for me, as Baxter was trying to sell your body to the "good guys" and then POOF its gone out of no where. If you Flame me for this i will put screenies up of what was said. so im not going to mention names because you know who you were but seriously no love from me on that move.

  • #2
    on a side note AWSOME FIGHT!!!! Totaly epic!!!


    • #3
      And dont come in game after reading my post and argue with me about my point, trying to discredit me, its my opinion and i didn't name you in this post causing any harm to you, so just bugger off why don't ya?


      • #4
        The player is calling me out, and I want to put you all at ease so that you don't fear for players avoiding your attempts at roleplay in the future. I attempted to resolve this with the player in-game, but I was told I was "making things up."

        This issue was such: following a CvC, a fringe participant wanted to roleplay the detainment of a body - my body - in order to sell it to individuals who wished its safe return. I was opposed to this for a few reasons. (1) My character's resurrection wasn't going to hinge on a nonparticipant in the CvC's whimsy, (2) it was 1:30 in the morning and I was tired, and (3) the halfling apparently drug my 200-pound body, my 50 pounds of armor, my 20 pounds of weaponry, and my various accessories across the Second Wind commons, into the inn, up the stairs, and to a holding spot without anyone noticing. I don't know Otto well, but it's my opinion that he wouldn't be having any of that.

        The other pc might have been involved in the conflict, but he didn't have me hostile, nor did I, him, so as far as I know, he observed, nothing more, and at the least, he didn't compete against my pc.

        Consider the bone picked. I don't know that this is much of a flame, but feel free to post your screenshots. I think they'll show that the issue was handled with class and tact from one side.
        Originally posted by Cornuto
        Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


        • #5
          Class and tact huh, thats why you felt the need to come in here and try to discredit me again? this is now a case of herasment and i will report it accordingly. I firmly told you not to contact me on the issue again or it would be herrasment. you were asked politely to stop talking to me about the issue and yet you decided to come in here and make it worse.


          • #6
            I had originally intended to post against roguethree because .. well, it would be funny.

            But damn, Dreamora, relax. Chill out. Take a few hours to settle down and see it from a more stable perspective.

            roguethree has been nothing but polite and courteous. You are blowing this out of proportions and into something it really shouldn't be.
            Originally posted by ThePaganKing
            So, the roguethree bootlickers strike again.


            • #7
              and as to your words in chat about pvp/cvc rules, here is a link that shows nothing of what you said.

              PVP/CVC Rules


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kaizen View Post
                I had originally intended to post against roguethree because .. well, it would be funny.

                But damn, Dreamora, relax. Chill out. Take a few hours to settle down and see it from a more stable perspective.

                roguethree has been nothing but polite and courteous. You are blowing this out of proportions and into something it really shouldn't be.
                your right, I will leave it alone. Sorry for the bad juju i had no intension of this being an "issue" i was mearly stating a personal point.


                • #9
                  I do need to agree with the idea of a halfling sneaking a 280+ pound body past Otto and Jack, upstairs, and hiding him up there to be on the absurd side. I know that in game, all bodies are only like forty five pounds and they just go into the inventory, but this is an RP server, and if you are going to RP stealing a body and hiding it, you need to also RP actually getting it past all the people who would have noticed it and stopped you. I always RP when I have a body with me any time I pass by any PC, and never take a body anywhere that it is not feasible I would not be allowed to take it. It's not against rules to not do that, but I think it's good RP to do so, and that's what this is all about anyways. That's just my two cents on the matter anyways.
                  Tigen Amastacia: Died in events so you didn't have to.

                  Quintin Ulsteris: Nice-guy Legion engineer, deceased son of House Ulsteris.

                  Clandriel Cain: AKA "Fire-eyes" AKA "Demon hunter" AKA "OH MY GOD, WHY IS HE STILL STABBING ME!!??"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Torgar View Post
                    I do need to agree with the idea of a halfling sneaking a 280+ pound body past Otto and Jack, upstairs, and hiding him up there to be on the absurd side. I know that in game, all bodies are only like forty five pounds and they just go into the inventory, but this is an RP server, and if you are going to RP stealing a body and hiding it, you need to also RP actually getting it past all the people who would have noticed it and stopped you. I always RP when I have a body with me any time I pass by any PC, and never take a body anywhere that it is not feasible I would not be allowed to take it. It's not against rules to not do that, but I think it's good RP to do so, and that's what this is all about anyways. That's just my two cents on the matter anyways.

                    your right that might be Obsurd, however thats not what/how it happend.


                    • #11
                      Instead of debating the matter here (or arguing overly much in-game), shouldn't you take this sort of thing up with a DM?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kaeldorn View Post
                        Instead of debating the matter here (or arguing overly much in-game), shouldn't you take this sort of thing up with a DM?
                        Eh theoretically I agree with you, on the other hand they seem to be resolving it themselves here, even if it is kind of loud and public heh.

                        "If it's stupid but works, it ain't stupid." Some people gotta shout at eachother to sort things out heh.


                        • #13
                          I don't know that there's any resolution, if the persisting indignance is any indication. However, we see a thread like this every week, where someone says, "Role play better: this really ticked me off!" And ten people chime in, "Oh, man, I hate when people do that!"

                          I felt it necessary that people be informed that the issue presented was in no way, shape, or form, actually related to poor role play but rather what actually constitutes good role play. The kid didn't mention me by name, and I feel my standing in this community is strong enough that my character can weather such an accusation, but if the notion is going to be that someone on Sundren isn't role playing well (this being a role play server, after all), that needs to be addressed and, when applicable, dispelled, so we don't get the perception that people are just running around trying to get their jollies at someone else's expense, inconsiderate of what might be "fun" for another player.
                          Originally posted by Cornuto
                          Glad everyone's being extra fucking ridiculous today.


                          • #14
                            If you feel one of our rules has been violated. Then post a help request. This banter is going to get you nowhere.
                            The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

                            George Carlin

