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Games at the Inn

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  • Games at the Inn

    Recently, I've had the pleasure to Rp some games while enjoying the skills of some players around the table.
    Even if by game standards we where not leveling or killing things left right and center ,I gave me the chance to get to know the players characters.
    We played 3 bar games involving intellect, Endurance and strength.
    I could get into the details of them but i would like to know if some players have games to share it would be fun to have a collection of em like a piece of general lore for all to use.
    There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives

  • #2
    I was watching that. It was enjoyable to see people use inns properly for once, although I believe setting booze ablaze on your tongue would render you unable to speak

    We used to play truth or dare and riddle solving games inside the inns. That was a lot of fun as well, in my opinion. I remember daring Logan to wear a dress


    • #3
      Setting your mouth on fire is quite common actually eh! call it a Ritual.
      You can try it with Sambuca witch works best.
      just make sure to hang your head back and let the sugar burn a blue flame out of your mouth. the wider the mouth opening the more it burns if you close your mouth not completely then the flame gets forced higher just like a jet engine does.
      you can hold that position for at least 10 seconds or more but most freak out and cut the fire out fast by simply closing there mouth. no oxygen, no fire and of course no burn. witch is worse because your sucking in 40% and a beer to get rid of the taste.
      there quite the joke around that but that another story.
      the worse that would happen is your mustache frying a little but its worth
      the fire in the hole.oh
      I almost Forgot for game purpose its a Will power test.. dc 10.but get real low once your drunk as hell :P
      Last edited by Vonjan; 11-15-2010, 03:42 PM. Reason: missing ending.
      There is another realm, a space, a wordless mixture of melancholy and exstacy... a taste in the mind. not success or failure; but tales of strengh,glimpses of beauty,moments of depth between beings reveal our lives


      • #4
        Arm Wrestling

        How to play: Two players, one table. Both players roll opposed strength checks three times. Best of three rolls wins the round.

        Why best of three? Because the d20 system is a little too random making it possible for a casual victory from a dude with a zero strength modifier getting a 20 and a +5 modded dude rolling a 1, in real life that wouldn't just happen unless the other dude was like drugged or something. Three oposed rolls creates the sense of strugle and competition while not forbiding a lower strengther from taking the win if the dice just end up that way for him.

        Bloody Fingers

        How: Two or more players, one barrelhead, one sharp knife. Players roll dex checks versus DC 15, 18, or 20 depending on the pace the parties involved agree upon. Played elimination tournament style and possible for all parties to lose and break even if money is placed on the barrel head. A roll under the DC by 5 or more is a botch and that person is disqualified, having stabbed ot sliced open a finger. Lowest roller disqualified every round until the last one remaining takes the prize.

        Why? Bloody fingers is an inherently chancey game that demands extreme motor skills, but even then it's possible just by luck of the draw to miss and nick yourself, blood on the barrelhead is a loss.

        You can see an example of this game, or at least the actions taken in it here.


        This parlor game is VERY rarely done nowadays in real life, and if it is, rarely with an actual knife these days. But the game does still exist in some circles as far as I know.

