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About Stealth...

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  • About Stealth...

    I know this has been beaten to the ground, but I wanna know what ppl think, and whether or not this is just logical.

    Now, I have a stealth char (which I dont play much, but thats not the point) so Im not talking down about stealthers er anything, but...

    Recently my char was stalked, now thats all fine and dandy, but I spotted the person after I rolled it(The hidden rolls, he was actually invisible till he just popped up thx to a high roll from me and low from him). Course I Rped it, then he just rolls Hide/MoveS. from the gui as if it never happened. I was fine with that, coz his H/M was +15 each so I ust sorta gave it to im...plus he was in the grass.
    Then later on he's practically walking right behind me in the middle of the road, I turn around to go back, and of course he's there. He slightly moves out the way and I still play like I dont see im'.

    Ok, heres the point of this post. Shouldn't you at least TRY to really hide if your just gonna rely on the gui rolls? Imean dont stand in the middle of a clearing or street and expect to still not be seen, even with yuor 30+ hides. If you were a Shadow Dancer, then fine...but cmon. What do you guys think? Next time your stalked should you RP that you see them when they're obviously in front of you? Or should you just play by the technical rules?

  • #2
    He was stalking you from the trees overhead, and when you turned around he was behind you so you didn't see him. Sure people should try to hide, but I'm not anal about it.

    I'm also tired of stealth comments because it's obsidian's bug. If it worked, we wouldn't even be discussing this since you wouldn't see him.

