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To the Sundren staff

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  • To the Sundren staff

    I just wanted to express my feelings on the staff group Sundren has. Firstly i want to apoligize for how i came off in my first days on this server, i was impatient and rude when it came to the approval of my character submission and for that i deeply apoligize.

    I've realised in the past few days that the people who play here on Sundren are truly blessed to have a staff team as devoted and supportive as they are.

    Just look at the vault management as an example, Euniana responds and acts on all requests there at the speed of light.

    If you think waiting two days at the maximum for character approval is bad, then you should definetly try some of the servers i've been on where it takes two WEEKS cause the staff is either undermanned or plain lazy.

    So again, apoligies for any rudeness on my behalf and keep up the good work.
    Last edited by Alexander; 03-26-2007, 07:39 AM.

  • #2
    I think Euniana is awesome! She should have a portion of my donations.


    • #3
      Speed of light? Nah. I do vault management whenever convenient, which is sometimes a couple of times a week.


      • #4
        which is sometimes a couple of times a week.
        Which is awesome.
        Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem

