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Is it my character? Or how I play him?

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  • Is it my character? Or how I play him?

    (Let me first start off by saying that my character, Vicho, is a Talosian and is hated by a lot of people, but that is not what I'm talking about. )

    I would like to say, that I've been having some trouble with him. I stupidly underestimated the experience rate of Sundren (not complaining, I was just accustomed to the OC, lol) and thus I have not given Vicho any protective spells. He is a sorcerer, so he gets oh so few, and he desperately needs mage armor. I have been buying scrolls of it, which have helped dramatically, but it's not enough.

    This is why I am trying to get him to level 5 as soon as possible. I want to get mage armor and shield for him, as well as ghostly visage; I want all of this ASAP.

    My xp rate is now at 200%. You'd think I'd have no trouble, but...

    Getting to the point: I can't seem to get Vicho to level 5. Like I said, he has poor defenses, and is vulnerable to all the mobs in Sundren. There is no place where he can solo enemies.

    I am not complaining of this fact, I dislike "soloing" anything.

    I've been told many times that I should just solo my way to level 5, but this is neither feasible or desirable for me. Whenever I've tried, Vicho dies and I get knocked back a few steps (usually, I lose the equivalent of a few hours worth of xp).

    My question is: is it how I made him that's giving me a hard time? or is it the way I'm playing him?

    I can't bring myself to give up on reaching a decent level of experience, because Vicho is supposed to be power-hungry and (to some degree) intimidating. Can't be awe-inspiring with level 1 spells and no self-defense.

    Any comments or suggestions might help, thanks.

    EDIT: From below:
    I guess I'm just looking for suggestions. Was my character just poorly made? or is it a flaw in the way I play? Is grinding for experience a necessary part of the server?

    EDIT: Problem mostly resolved, thanks to all who responded.
    Last edited by Acheron77; 03-22-2007, 09:53 PM.
    Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."

  • #2
    I dont know man, you have to try finding people who follow Umberlee, Malar, Auril, and Talos.. Or atleast some god that Talos is friendly with, or serves him. Not much evil chars, and the ones that are evil are hidden. Declaring you followed Talos openly, im not sure that was a good thing.


    • #3
      If he's power hungry and intimidating can't you hire some bodyguards to party up with? Or intimidate some other adventurers into acting as bodyguards? Or find some like minded dubious characters to act as a bit of muscle?

      Trying to solo a weak character to make him stronger doesn't sound like the right way to go...but the fact that he's currently 'weak' could open up lots of interesting RP possibilities. And that'll probably help you progress quicker anyway.

      Of course if you just want a sorceror tank and aren't really interested in the character, it might be better to restart - but I guess you would have done that already if you thought that way. <edited to add - hope this last sentence doesn't come across as snide, not intended that way at all>
      Ula Fey Craftswoman, blacksmith, maker of bespoke sharp pointy things.


      • #4
        Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
        I dont know man, you have to try finding people who follow Umberlee, Malar, Auril, and Talos.. Or atleast some god that Talos is friendly with, or serves him.
        Good suggestion; I have made a little note in the announcements section.

        Not much evil chars, and the ones that are evil are hidden.
        I'm sorry, I did not articulate my problem correctly.

        I'm not having trouble finding other evil characters, it's just I'm not frequently on when many people are, so I have trouble finding groups at all.
        And, I don't like soloing (and can't do it, besides) so I'm stuck where I am.

        I guess I'm just looking for suggestions. Was my character just poorly made? or is it a flaw in the way I play? Is grinding for experience a necessary part of the server?

        Declaring you followed Talos openly, im not sure that was a good thing.
        This is exactly what I wanted to do, and I have no complaints on my decision. I love being such an out-in-the-open Talassan.

        And, thank you for your response.
        Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


        • #5
          Or just start of with a low ego, and make it grow as you grow experience. That's how you create a character. Of course a level 4 sorcerer isn't going to be the power pimp of the server

          And just team up with people, bite their goodyness and play along. You know it will serve your goal in the end.
          Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

          Desmonia Flashir

          GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ula Fey View Post
            If he's power hungry and intimidating can't you hire some bodyguards to party up with? Or intimidate some other adventurers into acting as bodyguards? Or find some like minded dubious characters to act as a bit of muscle?
            Hahaha, doesn't quite work that way. Most everyone Vicho meets is too concerned with their character to work under him.
            Besides, I wouldn't like that too much. He likes being a part of organizations, not the head of a group of thugs. I guess that kind of makes Vicho a follower more than a leader.

            Trying to solo a weak character to make him stronger doesn't sound like the right way to go
            That's what I thought, but I keep getting told to "just solo the mobs, it's not that hard."

            ...but the fact that he's currently 'weak' could open up lots of interesting RP possibilities. And that'll probably help you progress quicker anyway.
            I've had plenty of roleplaying with Vicho, its just most conversations end with "You worship Talos and I never want to see you again." Again, not complaining, I like this.

            Of course if you just want a sorceror tank and aren't really interested in the character, it might be better to restart - but I guess you would have done that already if you thought that way. <edited to add - hope this last sentence doesn't come across as snide, not intended that way at all>
            No, not snide of you, at all.
            I don't want to restart, because I've put so much time and effort into Vicho. I like him too much to give up on him.
            Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Clutch View Post
              Or just start of with a low ego, and make it grow as you grow experience. That's how you create a character. Of course a level 4 sorcerer isn't going to be the power pimp of the server
              Haha, I know, I just want him to have some deceny. Right now, he has an on-going joke with Barrigan that he almost dies every 5 seconds. It's funny, but it's just aggravating, after a month or so of having him as a character. I'm tired of relying on others to keep him alive.

              And just team up with people, bite their goodyness and play along. You know it will serve your goal in the end.
              You see, that's another problem I'm having. I do have Vicho do this: he teams up with whoever is available, and I just don't offer any information about Vicho, in order to keep his beliefs secret.

              But, I feel like I'm cheating, kind of, because he's supposed to be so proudly a follower of the god of destruction. He shouldn't be hiding it, so it makes me feel cheap.
              Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


              • #8
                If you learn to bite the bullet at level four and serve a greater power, with ambition to grow into a great force then by all means, your leveling should not be hard at all.

                Remember, your character idea is you eventually want your character to be intimidating. It shouldnt be strait out intimidating from level 1. Characters have to do certain things to gain the prestige of such. It's a long road, but thats the fun.

                Now, with that said. I suggest you seek out the Red Wizards of Thay.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by InquisitorFury View Post
                  Now, with that said. I suggest you seek out the Red Wizards of Thay.
                  Perhaps I shall. Thanks for the suggestion.

                  Guys, I feel better now, and I got a lot of great advice.
                  If you have some more to say, then by all means, go ahead and comment...
                  but I think I heard all I was looking for.

                  Glad to know the community looks out for those in need. My thanks!
                  Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


                  • #10
                    Please get your defenses in order...Barrigan can save you only so many times before he runs out of healing kits.....

                    And he doesn't hate you at all...just thinks you're silly for worshipping a living hurricane.....
                    Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
                    Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


                    • #11
                      You can also talk to "The Fence." Hes always hiring people.but i dont see him on much now. Its hard being a worshipper of an evil god, i know.. Ive tried, and it ends up with me dead or running my arse off. As for conversations ending with "Your a talosian, I hate you.", I dont really know why so many people hate Talos, he isnt the enemy of every god. Well, hes got a long list though XD


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by undeadsteak View Post
                        I dont really know why so many people hate Talos, he isnt the enemy of every god. Well, hes got a long list though XD
                        Hahaha, yep. Pretty long. Helm, Torm, Tyr, Sune, Gond, Lathander, Mystra, Oghma...

                        But mainly, I'm just having a rough time around here (aside from the character personality). Vicho just died again, 5 minutes ago.
                        Vicho Stormson: "How dare you defy the supremacy of Talos! ... well I'll let you get away with it, this time."


                        • #13
                          Sounds like an excellent partner for Jandi, but my playtimes are very dodgy. Still, I'll look you up when I am on.


                          • #14
                            Heres a little tip for your defences Buy Shied + Mage armor scrolls they will increase your AC by 8 also buy barkskin that would be another 4 + cats grace should give you atleast another 2 ac Maybe that can help bud.
                            Thats atleast 150 gold worth of scrolls
                            Elric Modner. - "Yesterday I dared struggle against tyranny, Today I dare to fight once again."


                            • #15
                              Thats atleast 150 gold worth of scrolls
                              That is a problem though... you realize that, don't you?

                              Sticking to a scroll of mage armor and shield would help (unless you have those spells as spells known) without going spending too much.
                              Playing Asha'easaahae Illeleste & Frem

