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Next Update - Argyle Keep (AKA Abyssal Lands) and More

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  • Next Update - Argyle Keep (AKA Abyssal Lands) and More

    I am pleased to announce my week of work has paid off and players (Once server updates) will find themselves knee-deep in demons from the abyss and the scourge they bring to the keep and surrounding areas. This area is being released in two parts. This update will include three locations players can hack through demonic taint. A future update will include the keep interior itself.

    The first update is intended for players 14 to 17. The final update will be 18 to 20. I HIGHLY recommend bringing Cold Iron weapons and Paladins (Or at least enough UMD to cast bless weapon) or you will be a sad duck as the demon DR harms your face. I'm sure once players play through it I'll be rebalancing encounters anyway.

    Argyle Keep History

    Some of you may have knowledge local or history. So this may be information you'd be aware of.

    Argyle Keep was the home to a wealthy and powerful man by the name of Frederick Argyle. This man had a great many dealings within the valley of Sundren from commercial to political. There are those who whisper he may have even had criminal dealings. Despite his best efforts, he died never realizing his goal to gain a title of nobility from the Sundren courts for whatever reasons.

    Years after his death, his son Octavius Argyle, completed construction of a strange tower within the lands, squandering the wealth of his family. Some say he had grown bitter at the Sundren lands for denying his father his right to be named of noble stature and threw in his lot with a few underhanded wizards.

    Not long after it's completion, demons emerged from within the Keep, taking the minds and souls of the few people who chose to reside near the keep. No one knows how or why.

    When news of this had spread, no man with any sense dare trek so far into the mountains to see for himself the demons and risk his soul. Only the most brave of heroes dare walk within the accursed lands of Argyle Keep and the handful that return speak of demonic possessions and utter horrors.

    Summoning Changes

    Summon Creature will yield different results for different casters. Druids will notice minimal change (except the shadow mastiff has been removed). Wizards, bards, and clerics now have alignment-based summons similar to the Summon Monster spell of PnP.

    More Enemy Changes

    We've used player feedback to retool some of the enemies you face. Some are tougher, but most should be a little easier.

  • #2

    Magic Weapon and Greater Magic Weapon will now be castable on Ranged Weapons and on Ammunition, per P&P rules.


    • #3
      Sounds awesome! Can't wait to see it.
      James Arrow: Potion Vendor


      • #4
        GBX, you are a developing god!
        Peridan Twilight, one-eyed dog of the Legion, deceased.
        Daniel Nobody, adventurer and part time problem solver.

        [DM] Poltergeist :
        If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge an intermediate deity's unbridled fury.


        • #5
          This update is made of win.

          When's it going live?
          Originally posted by Saulus
          Stop playing other shitty MMOs and work on Sundren, asshole.


          • #6
            Well, Phantom is populating a store. Once that's done and saulus does the update. Right then and there


            • #7
              Everyone! Make Evil/Sun clerics and get ready to turn demon!


              • #8
                Awesome, thanks guys
                Butch: "You know, when I was a kid, I always thought I was gonna grow up to be a hero."
                Sundance: "Well it's to late now."

                Mittens Whitepaw (Feral Druid),
                Rose Thimblefoot (Simple Seamstress),
                Melody Mourningsoul (Cursed Bard)
                Katalina Zephyr (Guardian of the Grave)
                Gabrielle Dumoine (the Duchess of Waterdeep... 'onestly...)


                • #9
                  Really cool, can't wait for the next set of areas!
                  James Arrow: Potion Vendor


                  • #10
                    First, awesome update.

                    Second, concerning the Magic Weapon on Ranged Weapons and Ammunition, do the bonuses stack?

                    Say, an individual casts Greater Magic Weapon (caster level of 8) on both his Bow and on his arrows. So, +2 on both. Will he get still just a +2 AB and +2 damage, or will they stack for +4 AB and +4 damage.

                    Just to make it clear, I'm not bringing PnP rules into this. I'm just asking what the outcome is, concerning this update.


                    • #11
                      Bows get enhancement bonus. Arrows get damage bonus. If you made them both +2 it'd be +4 damage +2ab, and bypass +2 dr.


                      • #12
                        Ah, cool, the damage stacks, but not the AB. Nicely done.


                        • #13
                          Like I said, the arrows have no AB. They only have damage. +1, +2, +3 arrows are +1 damage, +2 damage, +3 damage, etc. So it enchants them with that.

