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Regarding the 1st Festival (March 17)

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  • #16
    I think you did a great job at the festival, it was a lot of fun especially the beauty contest As for the lights weapons, I think I need to get a bit quicker

    As for a suggestion - Instead of signing up for all the weapons events at one time would have just signed them up individually. Think this would let it flow a bit quicker and their was a bit of a problem of people signing up for the event but before the time for the event came up they had to leave.

    Look forward to lots more
    Active Characters:
    Tassafina Lightleaf - A little sneaky but not as sneaky as Ithil

    Silivren Anar
    Merka Gillina

    Hideing outs:
    Alyssa Swiftwing - Priestess of Yondalla
    Ravenne Naur'Loki - Roar!


    • #17
      For sign ups we could probably devise a better system. Maybe have on person in charge of organizing each event, then the people who want to sign up for that event have to find that person and give their name. Maybe the champion of the previous festival, to keep it open for new people to win each time.

      Or even pre-event sign ups via the Tavern Talk thread, although there would be the inevitable no-shows to deal with there.

      And of course, written rules posted pre-festival could always help.

      I am willing to help out next time, just send me a PM.

      All-in-All it was a very good time. I couldn't believe I was on the server so long and never bored...
      ~Hrothgar Ragnarsson - Warrior and Sailor from the frozen North.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Donegal View Post
        For sign ups we could probably devise a better system. Maybe have on person in charge of organizing each event, then the people who want to sign up for that event have to find that person and give their name. Maybe the champion of the previous festival, to keep it open for new people to win each time.
        I like that idea!

        Suggestions in this regard for the PvP events:
        Tournaments should be, like Arckeya made them in the first place, ladder based. Victors from each round face winners of other rounds until semi-finals and finals - the previous champion in question would be in charge of arbitrating the fight. The winner of a competition would then have the opportunity to fight against the previous champion to dethrone him (thus earning the title, but also inheriting of the responsability of arbitrating future events for that discipline).

        This sort of organisation would require some planning ahead, of course, so subscriptions to certain disciplines would need by done before the events. People whom wouldn't subscribe beforehand would forfeit participation: this saves a lot of time and bother for the people managing the events - if people miss out, it'd be their fault for not checking things in the forums... but it wouldn't be of much consequences if the festivals were frequent monthly events or something to that effect... (they could always try again another time).

        If the champion of the previous event is absent, then, he forfeits his title and the winner of the competition inherits it. If a participant is absent then the opponent he would have faced would go up the ladder unchallenged.

        There could be prizes given to the winner of the competition proper, as well as perhaps a bigger prize for the victor of the championship. The arbiter of the event could take in charge the monetary rewards for rewarding winners and runner-ups for their accomplishments... but also have a chance to be rewarded for their contribution if he successfully defends his title (that'd lighten the strain on Kai's purse).
        Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


        • #19
          Originally posted by Ithildur View Post
          What??!!! Kaia didn't win the beauty contest!??!

          lol, id love to see her do that, we all know Kai's real personallity is a girl! Kaia could have pwned easily.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Zoberraz View Post
            For the melee competitions, Hrothgar deserves special mention for being the runner up of the light and medium categories. The runner up for the archery competition was Tavain Baelith whom scored 72, second best after Maia's 91.
            Ahem.. 77!

            Anyways, i agree that only one participant should be in each melee contest, with appropriate armor restrictions. Also, some events could be staggered, IE: done at the same time, but with one starting in the middle of another so an onlooker could see the final match of each. Time could be saved in that fashion.

            Also, Arckeya, we'll try to include the rogue's trap/gauntlet idea that i mentioned earlier.
            Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Maxx Powers View Post
              Ahem.. 77!
              Ah, sorry~! 77 then.

              When I mentioned the championship reward thing earlier, I didn't mean it as the person already being on the top getting more goodies, but rather as a reward for helping manage the events proper (and dish out the money to reward the finalists).

              I'm referring to something DM given, much like the Feytouched bow was. However, it need not be something extremely powerful - but rather something that would be highly sought after... such as perhaps a stack of Flaming arrows, a wand of fireball with a few charges or a handful of Cure Critical Wound potions; all commonly unavailable and all consumable... but all useful to have in a pinch. Those could be prizes that would give a nice fuzzy feeling to the people involved.

              Bigger rewards like magical scrolls (which can be scribed for wizards) and other more permanent magical items could still be around... but my point is that rewards don't necessarily mean to be things the DMs don't want out yet - but rather things which will be very useful but for a small span of time.
              Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


              • #22
                From the feedback it sounds like it was a great festival. I only wish it can be held earlier. There is no way for me to participate at 24.00 GMT +1 Especially when the event(s) last for hours.

                I hope to be able to be there at a later date.

                A suggestion for the skill based competitions:
                Separate them into 1) Amateur 2) Professional.

                That way you can make it a bit more even and interesting.
                Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

                I can hear what you're thinking,
                All your doubts and fears,
                And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
                The reason I'm here.


                • #23
                  - Allow people to sign up also beforehand so that the signing up process is a bit speedier.
                  - Perhaps have less events, but have festival's more often.
                  - Also perhaps the beauty, poem and song events at some other time.. and the bashing heads part in some other time. Mayhap even call them with another name than festival in that case.
                  - And yeah as a euro.. the first round of the beauty contest was over at 2am my time..so no way in hell was I going to be able to attend the latter events.
                  Of course I don't mind that the song / poem events were ruined by drow since I was not able to participate



                  • #24
                    Some of you are missing the point about the duration of the festival event.

                    It seems to me Kai made it that way so people from different timezones could wander in and still manage to get to the festival since it lasted all day.

                    And, besides, not everyone can be made happy, sadly. There's only so much that can be done with the wildly differing timezones.
                    Maia Nanethiel ~ Moon Elf Female Ranger


                    • #25
                      Yeah I don't mind the festival lasting a long time.. of course it started at the middle of the night and ended at the wee hours of the morning. So it was probably the worst time for at least for yours truly.

                      Just something about town faires



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by skyde View Post
                        Yeah I don't mind the festival lasting a long time.. of course it started at the middle of the night and ended at the wee hours of the morning. So it was probably the worst time for at least for yours truly.

                        Just something about town faires

                        I couldn't agree more. I don't mind that it lasts longer than I can participate and all that I just want to be able to participate or see some of it.

                        And the Noob rocks
                        Player of: Sakamoto. Warrior following the Way of the Blade.

                        I can hear what you're thinking,
                        All your doubts and fears,
                        And if you look in my eyes, in time you'll find,
                        The reason I'm here.


                        • #27
                          We could have a monthly festival, with the start time rotating 8 hours each festival.
                          Heh, i guess my characters are deleted, now. Updating char list soon!


                          • #28
                            I find this thread heartening. Great to hear so many people had a great time.

                            Fair Play the organisers!



                            • #29
                              I'd like to see a level bracket for the contests, though not sure it's possible. Neophyte and a Advanced tournament would be good to be nice to the newbies so they can be involved and win something.


                              • #30
                                Yes Edgy - something like the Local, Regional and All Sundren Champion which allow different levels...

                                You could do them as
                                Champion of the Outpost
                                Champion of Aquor
                                Champion of Sestra..etc.
                                Champion of Sundren City would be the highest level one...with corresponding prizes and the kudos of being the champ of course...!

                                Zeb - tracking down his next pint.

