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Shoulda just slept in - "Server Full"

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  • Shoulda just slept in - "Server Full"

    Ehhh... Shoulda just slept in this morning.
    Yes, I'd be at the Festival but the server is full.

    Yes, I know I'm probably not the only one. And that the early bird gets the worm. And that patience is a virtue. And I should find something else to occupy my mind with while I wait.

    But it's early Sunday morning for me. I made an effort, and it backfired.

    I guess I'm just a little disappointed that each time there's an event, there's always something stopping me from participating. Usually it's the timezone difference. Sometimes just sheer bad luck that something will happen IRL and I get pulled away. Or my computer will crash. And now, in this case, the server is full.

    Sorry guys. I just needed to rant about it. *Kicks a rock and mutters under her breath*

    Are there any plans - immediate or distant - to increase the number of players allowed on the server? Sundren is getting pretty big these days. I've never experienced the server being full before, since I don't often play at this time. Does it happen often?

    I'll have another peep at the server list a bit later, see if there's an empty spot I can snap up. But I'm not hopeful. I guess I'll just play something else for a while. Sorry to the people I told I would be there. But thems the breaks, eh.
    Jinx - The gnome with the best hairstyle in all of Faer?n!
    Dalziel Gallagher - Some people are just born lucky.

  • #2
    Well I am guessing the festival will last a -long- time. Right now when I am writing this they had finished round 1 of the beauty pageant. Also I think that us euros will slowly start to drop out when night continues, I just logged out at 2am. You gotta get in there though...with Drago gone..there is no gnome representation! Nor dwarves either for that matter.



    • #3
      I had work all day...sooo...yeahhhh. Didnt even get a chance, and my bard wouldave rocked there, or at least wouldave gotten what I like to call "air time".


      • #4
        mm it was fun, for the most part, expect that mainly the same people won. I acutally managed tolog of three or four times and come back in. Stupid drows, they ruined the poetry T_T. *is so happy he didnt have to go through that torture :P*


        • #5
          *looks at Undeadsteak sternly* That was my event and I didnt even get to do it because they ruined it! *sighs*

          Ah well, at least I got to be there...for alittle bit.


          • #6

            Barrigan got to show up! .........just in time to die......*sigh*

            Would have been left to rot to except a DM took pity on me and rezzed me (/worship GBX)

            Word to the wise, Do not sit and watch a dead drow to see if he'll get up for a fourth time after being killed....I can tell you the answer and the answer is yes, but only after his dark mistress uses you as target practice.....

            Oh and one more thing, to all you halfling players out there, c'mere I got a secret <.<, >.>.........no one is paying attention to you....spy on them
            Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
            Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


            • #7
              Originally posted by reemixx View Post
              Ehhh... Shoulda just slept in this morning.
              Yes, I'd be at the Festival but the server is full.

              Yes, I know I'm probably not the only one. And that the early bird gets the worm. And that patience is a virtue. And I should find something else to occupy my mind with while I wait.

              But it's early Sunday morning for me. I made an effort, and it backfired.

              I guess I'm just a little disappointed that each time there's an event, there's always something stopping me from participating. Usually it's the timezone difference. Sometimes just sheer bad luck that something will happen IRL and I get pulled away. Or my computer will crash. And now, in this case, the server is full.

              Sorry guys. I just needed to rant about it. *Kicks a rock and mutters under her breath*

              Are there any plans - immediate or distant - to increase the number of players allowed on the server? Sundren is getting pretty big these days. I've never experienced the server being full before, since I don't often play at this time. Does it happen often?

              I'll have another peep at the server list a bit later, see if there's an empty spot I can snap up. But I'm not hopeful. I guess I'll just play something else for a while. Sorry to the people I told I would be there. But thems the breaks, eh.
              Not the only one Fiddled for 2 hours with me computer to get it working normally again, couldn't find anything, went to sleep. Just woke up and checked me fan.. and yup, full of dust.. that happens only once every 6 weeks or something >_>
              Fret and fear, for Europe is near.

              Desmonia Flashir

              GBX: I'm a level 20 programmer for sure in real life. I know more about CPU's, software, Windows, etc, than most people know about their own children.


              • #8
                Originally posted by OzmaDarkheart View Post
                Oh and one more thing, to all you halfling players out there, c'mere I got a secret <.<, >.>.........no one is paying attention to you....spy on them
                Tell that to the halfling that took an insta death spell to the face! Events usually equal Lillapan curled up in the fetal position.

                Though, you could actually be correct, and they were simply targeting Kaia...in which case, Lilly needs to find better coverage than 'tall-folk'.
                Lillapan Swobbles -- Hand-wavin' Goblin Fodder


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rainelle View Post
                  Tell that to the halfling that took an insta death spell to the face! Events usually equal Lillapan curled up in the fetal position.

                  Though, you could actually be correct, and they were simply targeting Kaia...in which case, Lilly needs to find better coverage than 'tall-folk'.

                  You to?! I got an instant death spell to the face as well! It might be a halfling only thing......

                  If Lillipan needs a bodyguard, Barrigan's available and willing....if he can stop laughing....
                  Last edited by OzmaDarkheart; 03-18-2007, 04:41 PM. Reason: Offer....
                  Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
                  Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by OzmaDarkheart View Post
                    You to?! I got an instant death spell to the face as well! It might be a halfling only thing......

                    If Lillipan needs a bodyguard, Barrigan's available and willing....if he can stop laughing....
                    *Helps scrub the 'Kill Me' sign from their foreheads*

                    And yay for bodyguards! Though, I fear we would both end up dead, but wouldn't it make for a morbidly adorable screenshot?
                    Lillapan Swobbles -- Hand-wavin' Goblin Fodder


                    • #11
                      The Gates were closed...

                      Yeah, I missed the festival - but I couldn't log on even when there were only about 20 people on the server..crashed every time I tried to zone into Gates area...boo hoo.

                      Zeb - tracking down his last pint


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rainelle View Post
                        *Helps scrub the 'Kill Me' sign from their foreheads*

                        And yay for bodyguards! Though, I fear we would both end up dead, but wouldn't it make for a morbidly adorable screenshot?
                        If I'm doing my job right, I'm the only one that should die.....While you flee! Now if people would just learn to flee when I tell them to....
                        Thom Grinwell: A man lost in the world and inside his own mind.
                        Avatar is a pretty good indication of what Thom looks like on a bad day.

