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Info: Delete Posts - List of Deletions

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  • Info: Delete Posts - List of Deletions

    This will be a list of posts that are removed and why moderators removed them. Each item in this list will be pruned after a week.

  • #2
    Thread: Elven Envoys in Avanthyr
    Poster: skyde

    Deleted due to godmode control of NPCs. Please read the rules on posts for RP reasons.

    Summary: Gods, Public Figures, Guards, Common People, etc, are under direct control of the DMs. You may only speak or post about actions and reactions of your PC or NPCs that deal with your PC (Like parents, cousins, background story friends, etc).


    • #3
      Thread: Petition for Safety (http://www.sundren.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2776)
      Poster: Tassifina

      Deleted due to god-moding and misinterpretation.

      Summary: We do not allow much room for actions that would require RP to occur. For example "Slips into the shadows to do something Malicious" does not mean Sundren officials did not see you slip in there.

      Also the petition is not posted on a wall.


      • #4
        Poster: Pycroft
        Thread: Tavern News

        We do not allow descriptions to contain:

        *A description of XXXX follows*

        in this case you put

        *He goes on to describe, with almost perfect description XXXXXX, although he does not know his name*

        The reason being word of mouth is imperfect, memory is imperfect, and interpretation is imperfect. You might as well handed the others a photograph of whom you described and their name so they could metagame recognition.

        In the future, use actual descriptions. A man of average height, with a muscle tone, a mustache, black hair and gray eyes. He is pale in complexion and is generally found hovering around XXXX... etc etc.

