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What are Factions?

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  • What are Factions?

    Factions are powerful organizations that exist within Sundren lore. Many are player-joinable and yield many benefits to their members.

    For more details, read the Sundren Wiki page on Factions:

    To join a faction:
    1. Soon, there will be in-game quests players can do on their own to join factions.
      In the meantime, submit a request in the Character Request forum here or contact a DM in-game to join a faction.
    2. DMs will give you an in-character event to join the faction. Success in these events is up to your in-character actions. This event is meant to test your loyalty and ambitions, making sure you are a "good fit" for the organization.
    3. If you succeed in joining the organization, the DM will grant you membership in-game.
    4. You must follow-up here to gain member-only faction forum access. Send me (Phantom Lamb) a private message to gain access to a specific forum after joining in-game.
      (NOTE: You may have multiple characters in different factions. To prevent metagaming, we will restrict you to one faction forum. Choose wisely!)
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

  • #2
    # Soon, there will be in-game quests players can do on their own to join factions.
    In the meantime, submit a request in the Character Request forum here or contact a DM in-game to join a faction.
    Has this been done already?
    Also, I read something on sub factions in the update news, but I'm rather confused. Can you just jump into a sub faction or do you first need to get recruited into the faction and then are allowed to do the quest to join the sub faction?


    • #3
      I have been trying to find out the rank structure for the Blackwood Company before I try to purchase any items and not be able to wear them.

      I checked on the Wiki and there is nothing concering their rank structure.

      Can anyone please breakdown the rank structure and how many reputation point corresponds with which rank?


