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Concerning Waukeen

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  • Concerning Waukeen

    So, some RP about Waukeen and Lliira came up, recently. Concerning how Lliira took over the portfolio of Waukeen, following the latter's disappearance. Now, I know this server has its own lore, and doesn't exactly go along with the timeline of 'official canon.' Which I'm entirely cool with, but I just want to get some help from the DMs to possibly clear something up.

    I've been told it's 1372 in Sundren currently. In 1371, Waukeen actually returned to her position, being risen to her station of godhood once again, and retaining amiable relations with Lliira. On the wiki, however, it still mentions that Lliira is in hold of such power:


    It also says nothing on Waukeen, currently.

    I just want to know what the staff's say is on this. I'll help contribute to the wiki about Waukeen if it helps, and update Lliira's as well. But I just want to make sure how the server's moving along that line, that's all.

  • #2
    Yah. it'd be good to have this updated. Waukeen one of the deities to whom my character Violet pays homage the most, and I was working under the assumotion Waukeen *had* regained her portfolio after being freed from Graz'zt, etc, etc, and that all was as it once was.

    Though I will quickly add, relations between Waukeen and Lliira are, following Lliira's returning of Waukeen's portfolio, more cordial than amiable, I think - not 100% sure, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that during her absence there was some transferral of worshippers between the two, and that during Lliira's time as makeshift "intercessor" for Waukeen's woshippers, a good many of the church and clergy simply converted to Lliira's worship. And that after Waukeen came back, she was a little miffed, as were some of her worshippers, that she was not as important as she once was due to the loss of worship from many.
    Violet Figgleleaf - Meek and insecure hin conjurer
    Her journal is here.

