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Trouble scribing scrolls

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  • Trouble scribing scrolls

    So.. Vigo was asked to scribe some scrolls but, it appears that certain ones cannot be scribed? Just wondering if this is sundren specific or if it's an obsidian thing, True Seeing says I'm missing an item, Energy immunity *laugh* , Prot from good/evil, now bigbys grasping hand. Just wondering how a mage is supposed to get these things scribed.
    " I found my inner child once, then Child Protective Services came and took him away"

  • #2
    Yes its an Obsidian thing, you could try blindsight as well but I can tell you now that one wont work.

    On another server I played on we used to study different spells at level up to try and complete each others spellbooks; unfortunately most of the useful or obscure ones dont work. I dont know if a cleric/wizard might be able to scribe Truesight or any of the mutually available spells?!

    Sorry bout your luck

    *edit* Thievesguild.net might have a complete list of the spells that cant be scribed, Ill have a look

    /later: nothing sorry
    Last edited by Thief Of Navarre; 07-07-2009, 06:56 AM.
    Originally posted by roguethree
    If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


    • #3
      Ah yes, I learned long ago that I cannot scribe scrolls that have a list of options; Disguise self, Protection from alignment, scorching ray, etc....

      Although the other day, I found I was unable to scribe a spell that didn't have an option list: Bigby's Grasping hand. I cast the spell on the scroll and nothing happens, no money loss, no other text. It was odd.


      • #4
        Fireburst and Mirror Image dont work either. No idea why since they have no options!

        Blindsight is obvious because there are lots of variables with that.
        Originally posted by roguethree
        If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.


        • #5
          Fireburst and mirror image?! Odd, I know I had scribed those in the past without any issue.... New change?


          • #6
            Well they didnt work last time I tried which was about two years back lol, perhaps a patch fixed it?

            Last time I tried was with my mage who hasnt been on Sundren for gone a year so perhaps your right!

            *edit* shame about blindsight, if any of you have it its a good boss beater. Cast darkness at the boss and blindsight on your frontliner and you have an easy victory
            Originally posted by roguethree
            If I had my way, clerics would have spell failure and a d6 hit die. And Favored Souls wouldn't exist.

