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Favorite RP Skills and Feats

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  • Favorite RP Skills and Feats

    (also a OMG HAI I'M almost BACK!!! thread)

    To the above comment: SoZ (x2 copies) ordered, should arrive this week and NWN2 + MotB + Sundren Updater fully updated and waiting on both PCs. For those that recall my main char was Tarin (human rogue) but based on the PM from Saulus I assume him to be toast cause it's been a while. The woman, whose female elven ranger's name I can't recall, will also be coming back - back off Cirion... So we'll both be starting over - which is cool.

    Now, Tarin was highly focused on pure rogue/mostly combat related skills/feats, sneaky dual-wielder with daggers. I spent some time this weekend reading back through all the Sundren custom content on the wiki and, while I still don't think my RP skills will ever be up to par with most of you, I'd like to maybe focus a char more towards RP than just combat as Tarin was.

    That being said, what are some of your favorite (custom or otherwise) skills/feats that are more useful in RP than in combat? I guess I'm kinda looking for Skill/Feat and why with maybe a situational example or two.

    Thanks and looking forward to seeing everyone in-game soon!
    The difference between a rogue and a hero often comes down to who tells the tale. – Danilo Thann describing Elaith Craulnober, in Dream Spheres

    Avatar comes from a rather amusing web comic.

  • #2
    What I would recomend, if you have an RP focus in this, is not to go looking for a feat or skill to help with RP, but come up with a personality you want for your character, allow the feats to fill the individual traits of the given character (( even if they are not 'optimal' from a combat standpoint)) And just.. roll with it. Keep an open mind, let your characters ever evolving nature determine who and what they are, not some numbers on a piece of paper:-)

    but thats my two cents!
    Julia Blackstar



    • #3
      I'm not looking so much for skills/feats to help me RP, was just pointing out that I suck at it.

      I was looking more to spur a discussion on favorite skills/feats along with a why it is such and maybe some examples.

      Sorry, I tend to ramble in my posts which can easily cloud what I was attempting to ask/say in the first place.
      The difference between a rogue and a hero often comes down to who tells the tale. – Danilo Thann describing Elaith Craulnober, in Dream Spheres

      Avatar comes from a rather amusing web comic.


      • #4
        Hmmm.. if thats the case.. I would have to go with divine might/sheild . Both of thoes feats really give paladins that " I am a holy warrior, run to your shadows evil!" Kinda feel. I havent seen the graphics in nwn2 for them yet, but in nwn you could really see them, they stood out as that beacon of light sort of thing. Big fan of thoes :-) Also, ive gotta put Extend spell up there, it has insane versitlity in both the offensive and defensive department, lets you get that extra edge out of your buffs for a bit longer and other niceities, couldnt imagin life as a cleric without it
        Julia Blackstar



        • #5
          I'd have to say the Leadership is a really good RP flavor feat that's also useful in combat.. just not to yourself. If you intend to make the leader-y kind of character that inspires others, you should definitely pick up that one. Along with Natural Leader for the increased range.

          Best examples of RP skills are, obviously, social skills (diplomacy, bluff, intimidate, sense motive) and knowledge skills. They really say something about your character's personality

          For the rest there are a lot of custom feats you might find worth considering. Some examples:

          You are practiced in the arts of petty crime.
          Prerequisite: Sleight Of Hand +1
          Benefit: +3 to Open Lock and Sleight of Hand skills

          You are better able to resist divine magics than normal.
          Prerequisite: None
          Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on all saving throws to resist divine spells and spell-like abilities.

          Giant Fighter
          You are especially adept at battling creatures larger then yourself.
          Prerequsites: Dex 16, base attack bonus +4.
          Benefit: When fighting Giant type creatures you gain a +2 to attack rolls.

          Lion Hearted
          You possess an incredible level of bravery and determination.
          Prerequisites: Iron Will.
          Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to Will saves and a +4 bonus to Will saves against fear effects.

          You can call upon the power of your elven blood to impress lesser races.
          Prerequisites: Cha 15+, Elf
          Benefit: As a standard action, you can appear more imposing by drawing power from the land. You have a +4 morale bonus to all Charisma-based checks for 1d6 rounds. This is a supernatural ability you can use three times per day.

          Natural Thief
          Not all halflings are thieves but you do not just fit the stereotype; you live it. Roguish skills come easily to you, even without training.
          Prerequisites: Dexterity 15+, Intelligence 13+, Halfling.
          Benefit: +1 competence bonus on Disable Device, Hide, Move Silently, Open Locks, and Sleight of Hand.

          Maker's Aptitude
          Prerequisites: Dwarf or Gnome
          Benefit: From an early age, your kind is often inspired to create objects for a great variety of uses. You've put that fascination to study, and learned how to craft better than others. You gain a +2 bonus on the skills Craft: Armorsmithing, Craft: Jewelcrafting, Craft: Trap & Contraption Making, Craft: Weaponsmithing and Knowledge: Architecture & Engineering.

          Sensitive Ears
          Your hearing is very keen, but vulnerable to loud sounds.
          Prerequisites: Elf
          Benefit: You gain +5 to Listen checks.
          Special: You suffer +25% damage from sonic effects and a -2 penalty to saving throws against sonic effects.

