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Get to Work!

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  • Get to Work!

    If there's someone in the community with time on their hands (DMs, players, whoever!), we need a review of pantheons and cleric domains. What we'd like is a list of gods in each pantheon below with the exact corresponding 3.5 cleric domains for each god (by pen-and-paper books).

    There will be a very nice reward to the person who can do this! Contact me if you're interested.

    • Faerunian
    • Drow
    • Dwarf
    • Elf
    • Gnome
    • Halfling
    • Mulhorandi
    • Orc
    "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
    -Bill Maher

  • #2
    Please also state which is missing or needs to be removed when compared to this list:


    Which is the currently available list..


    • #3
      *wishes he had more books*
      "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
      Gael Ironhide

      Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


      • #4
        I've done a bit of digging for you guys, and will paste this template below for others who wish to pick at this further. I did not have time to compare with the wiki, so some of the Dieties or Domains may not exist in Sundren, or Some Dieties may still be missing.


        Akadi ~ Air, Illusion, Travel, Trickery
        Auril ~ Air, Evil, Storms, Cold
        Azuth ~ Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Law, Spells
        Beshaba ~ Chaos, Evil, Fate, Luck, Trickery
        Bhaal ~ Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution
        Cyric ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Illusion, Trickery
        Deneir ~ Good, Knowledge, Protection, Runes
        Eldath ~ Community, Family, Plant, Protection, water
        Gond ~ Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal, Planning
        Helm ~ Law, Planning, Protection, Strength
        Ilmater ~ Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Suffering
        Istishia ~ Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water
        Iyachtu Xvim ~ Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law, Tyranny
        Kelemvor ~ Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel
        Kossuth ~ Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Suffering
        Loviatar ~ Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering, Pain
        Malar ~ Animal, Chaos, Evil, Moon, Strength, Bestial
        Mask ~ Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery
        Mielikki ~ Animals, Good, Plants, Travel
        Mystra ~ Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
        Oghma ~ Balance, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, Trickery
        Selûne ~ Chaos, Good, Moon, Protection, Travel
        Shiallia ~ Animals, Good, Plants, Renewal
        Shar ~ Cavern, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge
        Shaundakul ~ Air, Chaos, Portal, Protection, Trade, Travel
        Silvanus ~ Animal, Plant, Protection, Renewal, Water
        Sune ~ Chaos, Charm, Good, Protection, Pleasure
        Talos ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storms
        Tempus ~ Chaos, Protection, Strength, War
        Torm ~ Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength
        Tymora ~ Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel
        Tyr ~ Good, Knowledge, Law, Retribution, War
        Umberlee ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Ocean, Storm, Water
        Waukeen ~ Balance, Knowledge, Protection, Trade, Travel


        Eilistraee ~ Chaos, charm, drow, elf, good, moon, portal
        Kiaransalee ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath
        Ghaunadaur ~ Cavern, Chaos, Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
        Lolth ~ Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Drow, Evil, Spider, Trickery
        Selvetarm ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider, War
        Vhaeraun ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Travel, Trickery


        Abbathor ~ Dwarf, Evil, Luck, Trade, Trickery
        Berronar Truesilver ~ Dwarf, Family, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
        Clangeddin Silverbeard ~ Dwarf, Good, Law, Strength, War
        Deep Duerra ~ Dwarf, Evil, Law, Mentalism, War
        Dugmaren Brightmantle ~ Chaos, Craft, Dwarf, Good, Knowledge, Rune
        Dumathoin ~ Earth, Good, Law, Dwarf
        Gorm Gulthyn ~ Dwarf, Good, Law, Protection, War
        Haela Brightaxe ~ Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Luck, War
        Laduguer ~ Craft, Dwarf, Evil, Law, Magic, Metal, Protection
        Marthammor Duin ~ Dwarf, Good, Protection, Travel
        Moradin ~ Creation, Dwarf, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
        Sharindlar ~ Chaos, Charm, Dwarf, Good, Healing, Moon
        Thard Harr ~ Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Plant
        Vergadain ~ Dwarf, Luck, Trade, Trickery


        Corellon Larethian ~ Chaos, Good, Protection, War
        Angharradh ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Renewal
        Aerdrie Faenre ~ Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Good, Storm
        Hanali Celanil ~ Chaos, Charm, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, Pleasure
        Sehanine Moonbow ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Moon, Travel
        Deep Sashelas ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Ocean, Water
        Labelas Enoreth ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Time
        Rillifane Rallathil ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Protection
        Solonor Thelandira ~ Chaos, Good, War
        Erevan Ilesere ~ Chaos, Elf, Luck, Trickery
        Fenmarel Mestarine ~ Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant, Travel
        Shevarash ~ Chaos, Elf, Retribution, War


        Baervan Wildwanderer ~ Animal, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel
        Baravar Cloakshadow ~ Gnome, Good, Illusion, Protection, Trickery
        Callarduran Smoothhands ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Gnome
        Flandal Steelskin ~ Craft, Gnome, Good, Metal
        Gaerdal Ironhand ~ Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, War
        Garl Glittergold ~ Craft, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, Trickery
        Segojan Earthcaller ~ Cavern, Earth, Gnome, Good
        Urdlen ~ Chaos, Earth, Evil, Gnome, Hatred


        Arvoreen ~ Good, Halfling, Law, Protection, War
        Brandobaris ~ Good, Travel, Halfling, Trickery, Luck
        Cyrrollalee ~ Family, Halfling, Law, Good
        Sheela Peryroyl ~ Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant
        Urogalan ~ Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant
        Yondalla ~ Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection


        Anhur ~ Chaos, Good, Strength, Storm, War
        Geb ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Protection
        Hathor ~ Family, Fate, Good, Moon
        Horus-Re ~ Good, Law, Nobility, Retribution, Sun
        Isis ~ Family, Good, Magic, Storm, Water
        Nephthys ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Protection
        Osiris ~ Good, Law, Plant, Repose, Retribution
        Sebek ~ Animal, Evil, Scalykind, Water
        Set ~ Air, Darkness, Evil, Hatred, Law, Magic, Scalykind
        Thoth ~ Craft, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell


        Bahgtru ~ Chaos, Evil, Orc, Strength
        Gruumsh One-eye ~ Cavern, Chaos, Evil, Hatred, Orcs, Strength, War
        Ilneval ~ Destruction Evil, Orc, Planning, War
        Luthic ~ Cavern, Earth, Evil, Family, Healing, Orc
        Shargaas ~ Chaos, Darkness Evil, Orc, Trickery
        Yurtrus ~ Death, Destruction Evil, Orc, Suffering


        • #5
          Great, thanks BH. What is your GameSpy ID?

          If someone wants a treat, they can edit his list above, comparing with the Sundren Wiki as Kael wanted, to show what needs to be added and removed.
          "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
          -Bill Maher


          • #6

            Akadi ~ Air, Illusion, Travel, Trickery
            Auril ~ Air, Evil, Storms, Cold Water
            Azuth ~ Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Law, Spells, Trickery
            Beshaba ~ Chaos, Evil, Fate, Luck, Trickery
            Bhaal ~ Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution
            Cyric ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Illusion, Trickery
            Deneir ~ Good, Knowledge, Protection, Runes
            Eldath ~ Community, Family, Plant, Protection, water Good
            Gond ~ Craft, Earth, Fire, Knowledge, Metal, Planning
            Helm ~ Law, Planning, Protection, Strength
            Ilmater ~ Good, Healing, Law, Strength, Suffering
            Istishia ~ Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Travel, Water
            Iyachtu Xvim ~ Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law, Tyranny
            Kelemvor ~ Fate, Law, Protection, Repose, Travel, Death
            Kossuth ~ Destruction, Fire, Renewal, Suffering
            Loviatar ~ Evil, Law, Retribution, Strength, Suffering, Pain
            Malar ~ Animal, Chaos, Evil, Moon, Strength, Bestial Dream
            Mask ~ Darkness, Evil, Luck, Trickery
            Mielikki ~ Animals, Good, Plants, Travel
            Mystra ~ Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell
            Oghma ~ Balance, Charm, Knowledge, Luck, Travel, Trickery
            Selûne ~ [b] Good, Moon, Protection, Travel Chaos, Dream
            Shiallia ~ Animals, Good, Plants, Renewal
            Shar ~ Cavern, Darkness, Evil, Knowledge
            Shaundakul ~ Air, Chaos, Portal, Protection, Trade, Travel
            Silvanus ~ Animal, Plant, Protection, Renewal, Water, Healing
            Sune ~ Chaos, Charm, Good, Protection, Pleasure
            Talos ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Fire, Storms
            Tempus ~ Chaos, Protection, Strength, War
            Torm ~ Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength
            Tymora ~ Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel
            Tyr ~ Good, Knowledge, Law, Retribution, War
            Umberlee ~ Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Ocean, Storm, Water
            Waukeen ~ Balance, Knowledge, Protection, Trade, Travel


            Eilistraee ~ Chaos, charm, drow, elf, good, moon, portal, Dream
            Kiaransalee ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Retribution, Undeath
            Ghaunadaur ~ Cavern, Chaos, Drow, Evil, Hatred, Slime
            Lolth ~ Chaos, Darkness, Destruction, Drow, Evil, Spider, Trickery
            Selvetarm ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Spider, War
            Vhaeraun ~ Chaos, Drow, Evil, Travel, Trickery


            Abbathor ~ Dwarf, Evil, Luck, Trade, Trickery
            Berronar Truesilver ~ Dwarf, Family, Good, Healing, Law, Protection
            Clangeddin Silverbeard ~ Dwarf, Good, Law, Strength, War
            Deep Duerra ~ Dwarf, Evil, Law, Mentalism, War
            Dugmaren Brightmantle ~ Chaos, Craft, Dwarf, Good, Knowledge, Rune
            Dumathoin ~ Earth, Good, Law, Dwarf, Protection, Knowledge
            Gorm Gulthyn ~ Dwarf, Good, Law, Protection, War
            Haela Brightaxe ~ Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Luck, War
            Laduguer ~ Craft, Dwarf, Evil, Law, Magic, Metal, Protection
            Marthammor Duin ~ Dwarf, Good, Protection, Travel
            Moradin ~ Creation, Dwarf, Earth, Good, Law, Protection
            Sharindlar ~ Chaos, Charm, Dwarf, Good, Healing, Moon
            Thard Harr ~ Animal, Chaos, Dwarf, Good, Plant
            Vergadain ~ Dwarf, Luck, Trade, Trickery


            Corellon Larethian ~ Chaos, Good, Protection, War, Magic
            Angharradh ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Plant, Protection, Renewal
            Aerdrie Faenre ~ Air, Animal, Chaos, Elf, Good, Storm
            Hanali Celanil ~ Chaos, Charm, Elf, Good, Magic, Protection, Pleasure
            Sehanine Moonbow ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Illusion, Knowledge, Moon, Travel
            Deep Sashelas ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Ocean, Water
            Labelas Enoreth ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Time
            Rillifane Rallathil ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Plant, Protection
            Solonor Thelandira ~ Chaos, Good, War, Plant
            Erevan Ilesere ~ Chaos, Elf, Luck, Trickery
            Fenmarel Mestarine ~ Animal, Chaos, Elf, Plant, Travel, Trickery
            Shevarash ~ Chaos, Elf, Retribution, War, Strength


            Baervan Wildwanderer ~ Animal, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel
            Baravar Cloakshadow ~ Gnome, Good, Illusion, Protection, Trickery
            Callarduran Smoothhands ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Gnome, Knowledge
            Flandal Steelskin ~ Craft, Gnome, Good, Metal, Knowledge
            Gaerdal Ironhand ~ Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, War
            Garl Glittergold ~ Craft, Gnome, Good, Law, Protection, Trickery
            Segojan Earthcaller ~ Cavern, Earth, Gnome, Good
            Urdlen ~ Chaos, Earth, Evil, Gnome, Hatred


            Arvoreen ~ Good, Halfling, Law, Protection, War
            Brandobaris ~ Good, Travel, Halfling, Trickery, Luck
            Cyrrollalee ~ Family, Halfling, Law, Good
            Sheela Peryroyl ~ Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant
            Urogalan ~ Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant, Protection, Earth, Death
            Yondalla ~ Family, Good, Halfling, Law, Protection


            Anhur ~ Chaos, Good, Strength, Storm, War
            Geb ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Protection
            Hathor ~ Family, Fate, Good, Moon, Dream
            Horus-Re ~ Good, Law, Nobility, Retribution, Sun
            Isis ~ Family, Good, Magic, Storm, Water
            Nephthys ~ Cavern, Craft, Earth, Protection, Good, Chaos
            Osiris ~ Good, Law, Plant, Repose, Retribution
            Sebek ~ Animal, Evil, Scalykind, Water
            Set ~ Air, Darkness, Evil, Hatred, Law, Magic, Scalykind
            Thoth ~ Craft, Knowledge, Magic, Rune, Spell


            Bahgtru ~ Chaos, Evil, Orc, Strength
            Gruumsh One-eye ~ Cavern, Chaos, Evil, Hatred, Orcs, Strength, War
            Ilneval ~ Destruction Evil, Orc, Planning, War
            Luthic ~ Cavern, Earth, Evil, Family, Healing, Orc
            Shargaas ~ Chaos, Darkness Evil, Orc, Trickery
            Yurtrus ~ Death, Destruction Evil, Orc, Suffering

            OK, that is all of them, the Bold domains are ones that we currently have, that are valid to NWN2 and the Bold Green ones Need to be added, The Bold Red ones Need to be removed.
            Last edited by DurinRustbeard; 06-19-2009, 03:05 PM.
            "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
            Gael Ironhide

            Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


            • #7
              Damn you Durin lol. I just did this from the other one. XP

              I"m not Sure if all the ones listed are in the Game, but I compared them to the Wiki To See what was extra or missing from his PnP list.


              Akadi ~ Add Illusion,
              Auril ~ Storms= Water then fine. Switch the two if not.
              Azuth ~ Add Illusion, Law, Spells / Remove Trickery.
              Beshaba ~ Add Fate,
              Bhaal ~ Death, Destruction, Evil, Retribution (not listed on Wiki)
              Cyric ~ Add Illusion
              Deneir ~ Add Runes
              Eldath ~ Add Community, Family /Remove Good
              Gond ~ Add Craft, Metal, Planning
              Helm ~ Add Planning
              Ilmater ~ Add Suffering
              Istishia ~ Add Ocean, Storm,
              Iyachtu Xvim ~ Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Law, Tyranny (Not listed on Wiki)
              Kelemvor ~ Add Fate, Repose/ His list says remove Death...that can't be right.
              Kossuth ~ Add Renewal, Suffering
              Loviatar ~ Add Retribution, Suffering, Pain
              Malar ~ Add Moon, Bestial/ Remove Dream
              Mask ~ No Change
              Mielikki ~ No Change
              Mystra ~ Add Illusion, Rune, Spell
              Oghma ~ Add Balance, Charm,
              Selûne ~ Add Moon/ Remove Dream
              Shiallia ~ Add Renewal
              Shar ~ Add Cavern
              Shaundakul ~ Add Portal, Trade
              Silvanus ~ Add Renewal /Remove Healing
              Sune ~ Add Charm, Pleasure
              Talos ~ Add Storms
              Tempus ~ No Change
              Torm ~ No Change
              Tymora ~ No Change
              Tyr ~ Add Retribution
              Umberlee ~ Add Ocean, Storm,
              Waukeen ~ Add Balance, Trade,


              Eilistraee ~ Add charm, drow, elf, moon, portal / REmove Dream
              Kiaransalee ~ Add Drow, Retribution,
              Ghaunadaur ~ Add Cavern, Drow, Hatred, Slime
              Lolth ~ Add Drow, Spider,
              Selvetarm ~ Add Drow, Spider
              Vhaeraun ~ Add Drow


              Abbathor ~ Add Dwarf, Luck, Trade
              Berronar Truesilver ~ Add Dwarf, Family, Law
              Clangeddin Silverbeard ~ Add Dwarf
              Deep Duerra ~ Add Dwarf, Law, Mentalism
              Dugmaren Brightmantle ~ Add Chaos, Craft, Rune
              Dumathoin ~ Add Good, Law, Dwarf / Remove Knowledge, Protection
              Gorm Gulthyn ~ Add Dwarf, Law
              Haela Brightaxe ~ Add Chaos, Dwarf, Luck
              Laduguer ~ Add Craft, Dwarf, Law, Metal
              Marthammor Duin ~ Add Dwarf
              Moradin ~ Add Creation, Dwarf, Law
              Sharindlar ~ Add Chaos, Charm, Dwarf, Moon
              Thard Harr ~ Add Chaos, Dwarf
              Vergadain ~ Add Dwarf, Trade


              Corellon Larethian ~ Add Chaos / Remove Magic
              Angharradh ~ Add Chaos, Elf, Renewal
              Aerdrie Faenre ~ Add Chaos, Elf, Storm
              Hanali Celanil ~ Add Chaos, Charm, Elf, Pleasure
              Sehanine Moonbow ~ Add Chaos, Elf, Illusion, Moon
              Deep Sashelas ~ Chaos, Elf, Good, Knowledge, Ocean, Water ( Not listed on Wiki )
              Labelas Enoreth ~ Add Elf
              Rillifane Rallathil ~ Add Chaos, Elf
              Solonor Thelandira ~ Add Chaos / Remove Plant
              Erevan Ilesere ~ Add Elf, Luck
              Fenmarel Mestarine ~ Add Chaos, Elf, Travel / Remove Trickery
              Shevarash ~ Add Chaos, Elf, Retribution / Remove Strength


              Baervan Wildwanderer ~ Animal, Gnome, Good, Plant, Travel
              Baravar Cloakshadow ~ Add Gnome, Illusion
              Callarduran Smoothhands ~ Add Cavern, Craft, Gnome / Remove Knowledge
              Flandal Steelskin ~ Add Craft, Gnome, Metal / Remove Knowledge.
              Gaerdal Ironhand ~ Add Gnome, Law
              Garl Glittergold ~ Add Craft, Gnome, Law,
              Segojan Earthcaller ~ Add Cavern, Gnome
              Urdlen ~ Add Chaos, Gnome, Hatred


              Arvoreen ~ Add Halfling, Law
              Brandobaris ~ Add Good, Halfling
              Cyrrollalee ~ Add Family, Halfling
              Sheela Peryroyl ~ Add Charm, Halfling
              Urogalan ~ [ not sure he had this one right ] Add Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant / Remove Death, Earth, Protection
              Yondalla ~ Add Family, Halfling


              Anhur ~ Add Storm
              Geb ~ Add Cavern, Craft
              Hathor ~ Add Family, Fate, Moon / Remove Dream
              Horus-Re ~ Add Nobility, Retribution
              Isis ~ Add Family, Storm
              Nephthys ~ Add Cavern, Craft, Earth / Remove Good, Chaos
              Osiris ~ Add Repose, Retribution
              Sebek ~ Add Scalykind
              Set ~ Add Hatred, Scalykind
              Thoth ~ Add Craft, Rune, Spell


              Bahgtru ~ Add Orc
              Gruumsh One-eye ~ Add Cavern, Hatred, Orcs
              Ilneval ~ Add Orc, Planning
              Luthic ~ Add Cavern, Family, Orc
              Shargaas ~ Add Orc
              Yurtrus ~ Add Orc, Suffering
              Sain- Immunes Legionaire and Ex-Adept of the now decimated Red Blades
              Dane Kensbane- Farmboy struggling to adjust to his new life as a favored of Illmater
              Peeli Pebblepounder- Beardless dwarven scout and woodsman
              Alexi Starsunder- Extremely young and headstrong elven rogue searching for his adopted dwarven uncle.
              Siriandel Starsunder- Grizzled Elven ranger, and estranged uncle of Alexi


              • #8
                Thanks to everyone chipping in
                "Microsoft has to move the Reply All button further away from the Reply button. It's the computer equivalent of putting the vagina so close to the sphincter."
                -Bill Maher


                • #9
                  Callarduran Smoothhands and Flandal Steelskin are the only two i remember that will have an issue due to the limited nwn2 Domain list, thus by removing knowledge, according to the 3.5 list it would leave both of them with only one domain to select from, so perhaps leaving in knowledge wouldn't hurt.

                  And the deities with no bold on their domains are not in the Sundren/nwn2 list of dieties.

                  And poor Urogalan loses all the domains we had listed, but gains air and plant. Air, Charm, Halfling, Plant, Protection, Earth, Death
                  "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
                  Gael Ironhide

                  Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the list. I'll take a look sometime in the near future.


                    • #11
                      Iyachtu Xvim was Bane's son. He took over Bane's domains after Bane was destroyed during the Time of Troubles. Bane returned and killed his weak son in 1372 DR.
                      I believe Sundren predates the Time of Troubles.

                      (info copied from http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page)


                      • #12

                        It takes place exactly then...

