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Kudos to Sundren Development Team!

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  • Kudos to Sundren Development Team!

    i have been playing for nearly a week and have to post that the attention to detail in Sundren is out of this world, including:

    the area designs (wow), the temples, the shops, the custom weapons and items, the custom spells are a blast, even custom level 0 spells, custom skills, awesome and totally unexpected. thank you so much! the upcoming crafting system looks very diverse and complicated.

    the server has never crashed (which compared to other PWs) is amazing to me (only a few lag moments that quickly recovered).

    in addition a tip of the hat to the people i've met and traveled with: fun, creative RP, i really appreciate it!

    go Sundren, this group of dedicated individuals should have been paid to patch the official game; it's that good! it's in a league of it own.

    i look forward to seeing some of the DMs in action.

    thanks thanks thanks

    Dmytri Quartz *Phaz22*

  • #2
    careful what you wish for. ((prays to the dms god while he cowers in fear. )) but I'm glad that you're loving it. I think it's pretty fantastic myself, and the amount of work that the staff put in is nothing short of amazing. So, thanks from me as well guys.
    Sain- Immunes Legionaire and Ex-Adept of the now decimated Red Blades
    Dane Kensbane- Farmboy struggling to adjust to his new life as a favored of Illmater
    Peeli Pebblepounder- Beardless dwarven scout and woodsman
    Alexi Starsunder- Extremely young and headstrong elven rogue searching for his adopted dwarven uncle.
    Siriandel Starsunder- Grizzled Elven ranger, and estranged uncle of Alexi


    • #3
      Indeed, kudos to all of the team, great work and tremendous patience with all of us peons poking and shoving with our pointy sticks. You guys have done some truely awesome things, and special Kudos to Kael who is responsible for the new crafting system. It is/will be a fun experience digging to find the many hidden and interesting nooks and crannies of the complex and detailed system. I have seen this world go through many changes in the time I've been here and although some might whine to begin with, it has all been to the greater benefit.

      "Who needs a plan when you've got an Axe!"
      Gael Ironhide

      Link to my GF's articles: http://www.suite101.com/profile.cfm/pnmnp2


      • #4

        KUDOS all around!


        • #5
          Really gotta chime in here. Excelent job on everything! the world is alot of fun, you have great staff and players.. Kodos all around!
          Julia Blackstar


