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A notice posted within the Blackwood Barracks and Exigo Offices

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  • A notice posted within the Blackwood Barracks and Exigo Offices

    A notice is delivered to the watch-sergeant on duty in the Blackwood Barracks and within the Exigo Company Offices, for posting visible to the various mercenaries and merchants, but not to chance visitors.

    To an interested party;

    There is little secret of the building hostilities between Sestra and the various other forces of the peninsula. Both Imperial and Citadel forces are bound towards a critical fulcrum for the political and economic stability of both the Peninsula and the entities within. It is in the best interests of the Corporation, and likely the associated Company, that intelligence from any such conflicts be observed and analyzed. With such in mind, the Exigo Corporation is now offering a bounty on first-hand information on any engagements between either the Imperial and Citadel troops or their representatives, redeemable from Artifax J. Frazer.

    The prices for the intellectual bounties shall start at five-hundred stags, and increase in value in proportion to the number of verifiable and unrevealed details contained within the submitted operations report, to a maximum of five-thousand stags per report. Operations reports are expected to include, at a minimum - identities (name or appearance)of participants, location, date/time (estimated), significant events or dialogue.

    Of great importance within these bounties is that the individual partaking in the bounty is to not engage either forces unless in self-defense, and only after the appropriate attempt to evacuate the situation is attempted.

    Valid Blackwood Company or Exigo Corporation identification will be requested prior to payment.

    J. Frazer
    Artifax, Grade B

    ((Please treat this as confidential; posted here for access by people without access to the faction forums.))

    Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
    Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
    Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
    Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
    Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

    James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
    AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
    Theme: Stil Alive

    Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

    Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

    Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
    To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
    crafting tutorial.

    Unfortunate truths:
    Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
    Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]

  • #2
    After a discussion with a pair of Blackwood mercenaries on the topic, an addendum is added to the previous notice:

    To an interested party;

    The bounty listed previously is hereby extended to encompass logistical, defensive, and offensive intelligence regarding militias or organisations situated on or occupying Corporate property without the consent of the Corporation. Any reports are expected to contain the information outlined in Paragraph Two and will receive similar compensation.

    While discreteness is advised, this addendum is not subject to Paragraph Three. However, the Corporation is not, and will not be, held accountable for any and all negative fallout of the actions of any individuals opting to fulfill this contract by other means.

    J. Frazer
    Artifax, Grade B

    ((Please treat this as confidential; posted here for access by people without access to the faction forums.))

    Frazer Mfg. is a department of Frazer Fabrications, focused on the construction of high-end custom-crafted equipment and gear.
    Also part of Frazer Fabrications are:
    Frazer Armories - focused on resale of prefabricated arms and armorments;
    Frazer Merchantile - specialising in economic analysis and scaleable logistics; and
    Frazer Laboratories - the leading independent R&D for sundrite theory, arcane and mechanical engineering

    James Frazer: Anthropological Gearhead, Techsmith, Arcanaphysisist, Renown Proprietor
    AKA: Artifax Grade B Exigo Corporation Syndicated Associate VP, Professor, Quartermaster of the Schild Whurest-ExiCorp Joint-Operations Facility, and 'Annoying Mechanist'
    Theme: Stil Alive

    Grid vs. Squeegle, not Good vs. Evil

    Distances and travel-times for the Sunderian Peninsula:Free Version 1.0

    Crafting changes are a dead-horse topic, but feel free to ask me about crafting: If I can't answer it, I bet I can direct you to someone who can.
    To those who are interested in making or have crafting-oriented characters, please check out the Fabricator's Collective and how to get FC-certified.
    crafting tutorial.

    Unfortunate truths:
    Intention: [DM > Crafting > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store]
    Reality: [DM > Faction Store > Drop > Regular Store> Crafting]


    • #3
      A notice is posted bellow.

      Per Mr. James request, I will be leading a group of men into the camp in order to get the information he needs. I will need some good lads to help me secure the location and targets.

      The operation will need be executed swiftly, the objective will be to capture targets at the old Exigo trading post and interrogate the captives for any intel Mr. James sees as beneficial.

      Signed, Brigadier Tyranus Blackbeard

