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Vae Victis

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  • Vae Victis

    Resignation, Promotion, March!

    Word spreads like wildfire across Sundren city regarding the resignation of Lady Emiliana Blackwell from her position as Myrios of the Tenth Legion. In her place, Myrios Corvus Taberland, formerly a Centurio of the Ninth Legion has been promoted by the Imperatu's decree.

    In the wake of his promotion, a surge of Legion activity begins throughout the capitol city and the Pioneer's Way. The Seventh begins preparations for a mass march out of the Gate and inch forward beyond Pioneer's Way, conflicts rising on the surrounding roads against the Bloodmaim and bandit influences to a point hitherto unseen since the battle of the Second Sundering.

    The Tenth quickly becomes separated with a wary portion remaining behind in Cheapside with the Fifth under Centurio Ravain, much to the dismay of the peasantry there. Every other able-bodied soldier is ordered to join the Seventh's movement by direction of Centurio Bram Drismon.

    The Legions march once more.

  • #2
    "This spells trouble for the Black Hand," Ramza speaks while looking up from his studies, dropping his quill in an ink well. The Red Wizard does not bother to regard the courier of the rumor, the dim candle on his desk not bright enough to dispel the informant's shadowed features.

    "The Legionnaires have ousted an incompetent leader, which was a boon to the Black Hand, and have replaced it with -- who did you say his name was again?"

    "Myrios Corvus Taberland," the informant systematically replies, not stepping from the shadows.

    "Myrios Corvus Taberland. Gather all of the information you can on this man. Hopefully, he will be the one to strike a crippling blow against the Black Hand."

    Ramza pinches the bridge of his nose before sighing dramatically and adding an addendum: "But if he is equally incompetent as his predecessor, well - we will have to see about that."

    Ramza's gaze returns to his studies, not bothering to dismiss the shadowed man. The continued silence stands as the only indicator of the informant leaving.
    Ramza Xantheus "...for a meager fee, of course."

    Heroes need the weak to feel important. I say, teach the weak the skills they need to live on their own, to protect themselves and break free of the chains of charity and victimization. The Triad needs people to protect. I need people to succeed." -Byrun von Hellstrom


    • #3
      The rumors are now confirmed: The Legion has set forth its banners, and is setting marching orders for Sestra, the Black Hand seaside town. Myrios Corvus Taberland has ordered the 7th Legion, in conjunction with several key Hands of Mundus, to ready the troops ground side in preparation for battle against the Banite threat.

      Rumor has it that a small group of adventurers have been active in pushing forward this assault, and have prepared the way into Sestra in secret.

      Preparations for war have begun.

      "Use the Force, Harry" -Gandalf

