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Mossclaw is at it again!

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  • Mossclaw is at it again!

    Seems to be a fair bit of jaw in the woodsy hamlets.

    Most rumors cite mixed humanoid disturbances along the forest border.

  • #2
    A lone woodsman is heard to boast about how he drove the back the humanoids to ensure the safety of the locals. "We gotta do for ourselves, cuz ain't no one else gonna do for us!" he was heard to say. When others probed into his story more deeply, he finally admitted he had some help from an elf, though he minimized the archers contribution.
    Account Name: LuvHandles
    Maneae StrongArm - Devilish Warrior Woman (Active: Finding her place after time in reflection)
    Minael Cel'Anon - Elven Smith, Knight and Wizard (Inactive: seeking clues to lost elven artifacts)
    Aria Duvaine - Wouldn't you like to know . . . (Inactive: Whereabouts unknown)
    Ra'd Malik - Mulhorandi Warrior (Inactive: Off on a mission for the BH)
    Khyron Brinsbane - Fury of Auril (Inactive: Working with Cwn Annwn)
    Chazre Kenner - All around good guy with a penchant for revelry and chasing the ladies. (Deleted: Team Good, returned to Cormyr)

